
I have 8 different breeds in my little suburban flock and I have had neighbors ask about my silkies if they were even chickens. They're cute as heck and very mild tempered and sweet. I think quieter than the rest too. Of course they all will make some noise.
Aussiegal, do you breed Australian Shepherds?

No I don't. My hubby didn't want to get into breeding. I have my 3, my son currently has 1 but had 5 at one time, my mother has had 2. I got my old man from a breeder in Diamond Bluff WI across the river from Red Wing. She has been breeding & judging & training working Aussies for 30+ years. I've helped with the Aussie Rescue of MN when I can. We just love the breed
I don't know why, but all of a sudden I just have this feeling that I need some nice Buckeyes!
I wonder why that is??
So if you would get illegal chickens, say 5, what would you get and why? For instance, less noisy and less flighty. I would never be able to free range because it would be too risky that they'd get over to the neighbors. One neighbor would probably be okay with it, especially if there were eggs in it for them....and I wouldn't mind GIVING them some, if I got to be a chicken keeper.

I think Bogtown has a good point, and trying to make it legal is in everyone's best interest. You don't know who the loud hens are until they lay that first egg, and my hens start announcing the birth of their round little baby in a shell, it gets the whole flock making a raucous. Of course, 200 is a lot louder than 5, but they are still loud.
That being said, I must ask, didn't you read my post about Buckeyes???? LOL They are a wonderful breed for the North, were bred to be so. They are good layers and very friendly and do handle confinement well. I selected the breeds I have with folks like you in mind, and the others I like are Welsummers, Cochins, Barnevelders, New Hampshires, and Orpingtons. I don't have as much issue with my Easter Eggers being flighty, it has a lot to do with what is going into them for bloodlines. I have some that have Cochin blood in them and they are pretty calm (and have feathered feet). Any white egg layer is pretty much going to be a crazy breed. I have Black Minorcas and they are spazzy, but I haven't had any as bad as Polish for crazy birds.
I find my Barnies are very quiet hens, the Cochins too, and again, the Buckeyes aren't too noisy either with the exception of one or two that will announce their egg, but not carry on about it. The worst I have for that are my Marans that I have in the Easter Egger pen. Oh, and some of my Bantam Wyandottes need to stir up the flock when they lay too.
Good luck.
Many of the standard breeds sold will sing an egg song or bock-bock loudly if threatened.  Easter Eggers are flighty.  My silkie has been on the quieter side.

And I'm a big fan of being neighborly and don't really condone illegal flocks, especially for the chickens' sake to be honest...

I can't believe that "illegal flocks" is even something you can use in a sentence. What is wrong with people in general? How did flocks become illegal? I would love to live in a country where people can just live and not worry about being judged, criticized and fined for everything they do. It being labeled illegal just makes me want to do things more. Especially when its as ridiculous as my neighbors telling me what I can do on land I bought and pay taxes on.

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