
Wet Foggy and now some sleet this afternoon. Chooks were out on my GREEN lawn this weekend and today until it started raining and sleeting and they headed to the run. I've got the run pretty dry and deep in dry leaves and clipped grasses. But that relative humidity will kill my pine shavings' dryness. ugh... I much prefer frozen poo this time of year as well. No muss and little fuss.
I agree 110%!
I agree, very hard to keep moisture down. Last night it was 99-100% humidity outside, 95 in my coop. My coop actually went down over night to 86. Thing is, my coop always mimics the outside humidity almost percent for percent (maybe just a few percentages lower sometimes). I'm not sure how you can get it less humid inside than outside, other than putting a dehumidifier in there :( It is a constant battle.

Same thing here. Even during the cold snap the humidity in the coop was within a single percentage of what the outside air was. At that point I figured my ventalation was ok and there wasn't anything I could do about the humidity. I'll keep watching it but don't know what I can do about it.

Looking on the bright side, my 10 hens gave me 10 eggs today. When I got home from work I tried coaxing them out of the coop with scratch and I could tell they were thinking "are you kdding us? Not worth it!"
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I was joking, sorry it did not come across like that. I had just read an ad on craigslist for eggs from Big Lake is all and then saw your post.'

BTW you were suppose to concentrate on the part where I give you a dozen eggs to come over and clean my coop. Beings you did not mention that, I assume you are still considering it? Would 2 dozen eggs make the offer better for you?
If you live in Orrock Township... you are only 10 minutes away from me.... and are you really serious???
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Hahaha! PoultryBird12, (he's joking)... You remind me of my daughter
she has a hard time telling when people are joking as well, lol
Well it looks and feels like winter again. Fresh white snow and brisk clean air to breathe. No sunshine yet but believe it to be on the way.
Chickens scratching in the grass is over for now.
My birds have forgotten what snow looks like. I went to open the coop and a bunch tried to beat the rush by running out the human door. I have a double door system one door to the chicken area then a door 4 feet further to the outside. I have been leaving the outside door open to try and get rid of moisture for the last week.

The chickens have learned they can run by me and out the human door and beat the rush for the little chicken door. Today about half of them ran by me, got to the outside door and stopped. WHITE stuff on the ground, how scary! They were afraid to go out, finally one EE flew out the door landed about 10 feet out and had that "Oh, poop" look on her face as she was surrounded by white. I cannot believe the forgot snow already.

The only smart ones were my CX's they waddled out with no trouble and started looking for food and begging..

Minnie you're going to confuse the poor kid!! Besides I am way closer to Big Lake than you are.....And I raised my offer to 2 dozen eggs...

Wouldn't it be great to get a coop cleaned for eggs! ( a simple little dream that gives me much pleasure)

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