
When I can I get shavings from a local cabinet maker. I have been getting them for a couple of years. I use them in my coops and nest boxes. So far haven't had any problems.

I might ask around here for that. Sawdust is too fine, right? I should just ask about shavings?
I went out to gather my nearly frozen eggs and found I had 5 birds in the coop still. The rest are under my redneck chicken play ground toys. ( Pick up toppers I set around for them to hide under). I suppose the sun beating down on the toppers and shining through the windows is warmer.

Anyways, I threw a few cupfuls of BOSS out to the birds. 4 of the five chickens entered the feed storage area when I went in their coop. The 5th bird is setting on a nest again and again pecked the crap out of my hand when I reached under her. I am thinking as young as she is she might be getting broody, She is so ornery she could be one of my DW's sisters. She did not like me at all. I had bare hands today so it hurt more than yesterday.

Back to my point here. The 4 birds in the feed area did not want to go outside or back in. I had to shuffle them out with my feet. One of the birds was the little EE I showed pictures of with her back feathers missing. I noticed they are starting to grow back in she has light feathers and a down like feather on her back now. Not long ones but at least not bare skin. Which reaffirms to me that Guineas belong in prison until summer. I actually plan to move them to another pen and coop next fall.

I am going to build a fence around our garden and cover it with bird netting. I am going to build a coop along that fence that can either open to the outside for the guineas in the summer and into the garden in the spring when I want their eggs.

They have lost the right to ever live with chickens again.
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Not as far north as you, just about a half hour out of the metro area. Taylor's Falls area.

Otherwise I'd be asking to meet your flock, they sound like a fun crew! I know internet people coming over can not be everyone's thing, though. I could be a chickenapper. :)
Not as far north as you, just about a half hour out of the metro area. Taylor's Falls area.

Otherwise I'd be asking to meet your flock, they sound like a fun crew! I know internet people coming over can not be everyone's thing, though. I could be a chickenapper. :)

You are very close to me then! (sorry about the double quote)
The best part was because it was a class project, I didn't have to pay for the labor. All I paid for was the materials and even then I was given a discount as Dunwoody has special rates with home improvement stores.  

Wow that's a great deal! Do you think they'd offer this again? Do you have a number for the guy?
Speaking of the coop...for those of you who are local, I had the wood shop class at Dunwoody College in Minneapolis build our coop as a class project. They are always looking for unique things to build in class (I was told by the instructor they can build only so many dog houses and keep the class interesting), so they jumped on the chance to build a coop and run. The class did an OUTSTANDING job. It's based on the 'Taj Mahal/Wichita Knockoff' coop found on the Coops page. The hardest part was getting it home from Dunwoody (downtown Minneapolis) to our backyard in Lakeville. Not an easy task but we did it.

I'll post pics this weekend. Thanks again and we'll be in touch!

Mine is also a knockoff of the Wichita cabin coop. I can't wait to see your pics!
Will be waiting patiently. If you click on "My Coop" under my avatar you can see mine. My husband built it last summer.
Oh good! Another neighbor! Lalaland and Dandelioness are around the area, too. What sort of chickens do you have?

I breed Bantam cochins, orpingtons and call ducks. I also have a mixed flock with a Swedish flower hen, blue laced red wyandotte, penedesenca, black bantam faverolles, silkie cross, some orp x barnevelders and an Iowa Blue rooster. And 2 black turkey hens.
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