
I'm clearly late to the Minnesota party but I just found this thread. Greetings from Lakeville, MN!

Hi Scott. Welcome to the Minnesota thread. I am fairly new here too.

My husband has family from the Farmington area. I really like it down there.

How cool to have your coop built from students! What a great way to give them some different building experience. I can't wait to see your pictures.
I breed Bantam cochins, orpingtons and call ducks. I also have a mixed flock with a Swedish flower hen, blue laced red wyandotte, penedesenca, black bantam faverolles, silkie cross, some orp x barnevelders and an Iowa Blue rooster. And 2 black turkey hens.

I know where you could get a "sweet" blue Tom for your black hens!
I've decided to sell my hens. They're like dinosaurs running around the coop and the run. They have a tendency to step on the poor little call ducks. And one doesn't go in at night. It will end up raccoon or coyote food.

You should consider yourself lucky, I only have 1 out of 9 that goes into a coop every night. They prefer to sit out, no matter how nasty the weather gets. 2 others of mine will go in if it is really nasty out. I think they spent 6 nights inside all winter.

Mine roost on a fence most the time, but some nights they go on top of the coop. I had one last fall that went at least 50 ft up an oak tree. He thought he was king that night.
Mine is also a knockoff of the Wichita cabin coop. I can't wait to see your pics!
Will be waiting patiently. If you click on "My Coop" under my avatar you can see mine. My husband built it last summer.
Hi, Cluckies.

Our coops look very similar although I think I like yours better! Mine doesn't have any windows and I've mentioned several times to my wife how this summer I would like to install a window or two. You guys did a great job!
We should have a meet up at some point in the future. Since it appears most folks live in the north metro and further north, I guess a Lakeville meeting place is out of the question. HAHA.

I vote for some place in North Branch.

Or St Cloud, or Branerd, or Milaca or Grand Rapids during the summer when I am at my Cabin..LOL

Or better yet Togo!
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Hello everyone - just joined today and trying to get the hang of everything here. we are in the southern metro area. We're getting our chicks in May - had to jump through a TON of hoops to get the permit. :) but we persevered. We have a coop - made a mistake and bought it before the permit..long story! We ended up having it built, somewhat of the Witchita style too. Now we just need to build an outdoor run once the ground thaws!!

We may be able to join in on our local Twin Cities coop tour - depending on when it is this year. Last summer I think it was in June? We'll see. And hello Scott, we are a bit north of you.

Looking forward to chatting with everyone - take care.

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