
I have to share. About a week after losing our Yellow Lab this happened at our friend's house.

In the batch of chocolates is one little pink nosed yellow girl. (Jasmine was the only yellow female born to a chocolate mother) I don't know if it's destiny or what but we've decided to take her. It's too eery. And it looks like I'll be chicken training before I know it again.
ohhhh, she's adorable! and spring is such a good time for puppy training! guess you are going to be really busy.
I have to share. About a week after losing our Yellow Lab this happened at our friend's house.

In the batch of chocolates is one little pink nosed yellow girl. (Jasmine was the only yellow female born to a chocolate mother) I don't know if it's destiny or what but we've decided to take her. It's too eery. And it looks like I'll be chicken training before I know it again.

That is a "Dudley"!!!

They are a semi-rare form of coloration of a yellow lab!

The yellow nose is the giveaway.


I think they are neat, the AKC will not agree, but who cares, Grats on the new puppy! I think she is beautiful....
I have to share. About a week after losing our Yellow Lab this happened at our friend's house. In the batch of chocolates is one little pink nosed yellow girl. (Jasmine was the only yellow female born to a chocolate mother) I don't know if it's destiny or what but we've decided to take her. It's too eery. And it looks like I'll be chicken training before I know it again.
Congratulations! I do think sometimes we get exactly what we need! When my son's very old and beloved black cat started to fail, a black female stray (very skinny and young... Around 9 mo old) suddenly showed up in our backyard. Though we did pet her, we didn't feed her. She was not leaving however. After a week of noticing she was sleeping on the cement shelf under our kitchen window, I moved her into the breezeway and gave her food and water. The day Nikie was taken to the Vet to get euthanized, we took her along for a thorough health check. It was a very sad day but softened by my son being able to take in his new adopted kitten he named Reimi. She is polydactyle and even has an opposable thumb. She is absolutely devoted to him and only him. I am sure she was there for him from the moment she arrived.
I have to share. About a week after losing our Yellow Lab this happened at our friend's house.

In the batch of chocolates is one little pink nosed yellow girl. (Jasmine was the only yellow female born to a chocolate mother) I don't know if it's destiny or what but we've decided to take her. It's too eery. And it looks like I'll be chicken training before I know it again.
So sweet!
Thanks everybody. DH and I decided to take her. She'll be ours in 7-8 weeks. We are dog people. We need a four legged yeller dog in rotation in this house to complete us. The boy and DH live and breath duck hunting in.the fall and hunting is less fun without a dog in the blind I've been told.
Although my daughter is still emotional about the loss of Jas we know that this pup will help us feel better too. She is one day old. Jas's birthdate was 4/4 and this one is 5/5. Worked out the name tonight. She's Sadie Mae.
Allowed all in the main coop free access to the run and the mountain of spent mash grains first thing this morning. All the veterans were out the chicken door like they were on fire. The babies were huddled together under the nest boxes. I figured they would either find their way outside or hide all day inside, either way they were doing fine. Came home to find the mille babies are the only ones timid enough to still be inside. The Cornish are out in the run actually running and flapping their wings at each other like they are playing planes on the runway. They apparently have no cates in the world for pecking order and there is enough snacks to keep the matriarchs distracted.

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