
My neighbors love my chickens, they come over to check out the coop and see the chickens, talk about their friends' chickens. good times.  I love talking chicken.  

Which reminds me, I was at ramsey farm and garden, of course there were baby chicks and ducks.  They had some blue wyandottes, i'd never heard of them, so cute!  i'm gonna go google it and see what the grown hens look like.

googled it,
oooooohhhhh pretty!

A friend has a Blue hen that is a cross but she looks like a Blue Wyandotte and she's beautiful!
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Wow. Who can not like Blake Shelton?

Luke Bryan I understand not liking..

I am so beat I fell asleep watching TV, Took about 4 minutes.

My DW and I spent all day putting up the framework for a deck on the house. This remodeling an old farm house is getting old. She held the tape measure. level and my drill for me. I lifted the 2x10s. She had the nerve to say she was not that tired.......

Yesterday, I heard a ruckus in the Ethel's pen. Ethel was outside her pen and her 3 remaining babies were sitting on the fence. It became apparent to me, they were no longer going to be content staying in their pen and sleeping under Ethel in the tall grass.

I ran them into the creamettes run last night so they would have cover. I let them out this morning.

Tonight they went in on their own, before I fed the CXs. I being smarter than average fellow, ran over and locked the door to the run. I had glanced inside the coop and all the Creamettes were in the rafter. I thought.

There was one teenage creamette in the big open pen connected to the creamette run. It took me an hour to run that little ******* down. Yes, I know that word will be censored! I was not happy with her. Had it been a rooster I might have treated it as if it was a guinea. I did not.

Once I caught the cute little gal she started screaming rape! Very Loudly, in chickenese. I was not worried, a little teeny booper creamette cannot hurt me. I opened the doo to the run to throw her in the run and I was attacked by the Blue turkey hen that is raising chicks. She must understand chicken! I certainly understood what she thought of me holding that chick,

She was mad as a wet hen! I let the chick go slammed the door, and walked away with a warm feeling in my shorts. That turkey is the most protective mother I have ever seen!
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Oh, I forgot the mention I have my first "lap chicken".

It is a CX. When I sit in my chair for chicken TV and to watch them, she comes over and starts making weird cooing noises. She picks things off my feet and legs, then looks up at me until I either lift her up or she jumps up. I have not had a chicken do this before.

She will sit on my lap like she is Queen. Pearl (lab) is not happy to see a chicken getting held when she is not. So she sits there lying her head next to the chicken. This is the chicken Pearl cleaned the butt on. I have always picked her up before, never have I seen her want up like tonight. And the noise is so funny, it is almost like a purr or chatter, she just sits and talks and talks.

Kind of neat, too bad it is a CX. Prospects for having a lap chicken next spring are not good.
My neighbors love my chickens, they come over to check out the coop and see the chickens, talk about their friends' chickens. good times. I love talking chicken.

Which reminds me, I was at ramsey farm and garden, of course there were baby chicks and ducks. They had some blue wyandottes, i'd never heard of them, so cute! i'm gonna go google it and see what the grown hens look like.

googled it,
oooooohhhhh pretty!
way to close for me...im going to try and not look them up...LOL....
I was on the MPC website earlier and saw they have a No-Crow Rooster Collar. You can even buy a bow tie for it, so your Rooster will look all extra swag :) And don't worry....one size fits all. Lol! I can't make this stuff up.....

I borrowed their pictures....

Oh, and don't forget....FREE SHIPPING! Yes!
ohh the bowties look super cute.. but i could never do that to a rooster,, its just his natural instinct to crow,,poor things not be able to do what they are suppose to do...
You know what they say about soap operas; 'you can catch one episode every two weeks and you'll still know what's going on.' Well, I'm away from this board for a few days (minus a couple of minutes here and there) and everything changes. It's hard to keep up on here.

This d*mn job interferes with my chicken discussion. I need to be independently wealthy.
ohh the bowties look super cute.. but i could never do that to a rooster,, its just his natural instinct to crow,,poor things not be able to do what they are suppose to do...

I completely agree! I had a beautiful EE Rooster that I wanted to keep. He was very friendly and took good care of the hens. He was my son's best bud. The only issue was that he crowed like a champ. We live on a few acres, but my neighbors run a business out of their house. And we can't have Roosters where we live. I figured it was only a matter of time before it became an issue. Sadly, we said goodbye to Joe the Rooster and he went to a farm in St. Francis where he has more hens than he knows what to do with. As much as we loved him, I wasn't going to put a collar on him. Like you said, it's their instinct to crow. Just my opinion, however. Now....a bow tie....I would have put that on Joe :)
my poor puppy hurt her leg and is all layed up :( she didnt even want to get off the couch and help with chores this morning like usual. Her upper back leg is all puffy and she isnt putting much weight on it. hopefully it is just a pulled muscle or something.

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