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Minniechickmama, if you end up wanting bobwhites, I'm sure I could spare a pair. I have no idea where they are from though, or if you were interested in showing or if there is a standard, etc. What floors me is the idea that someone would raise those for meat because bobwhites, apparently at full maturity, weigh a whopping 6 oz - so I am guessing you would be lucky to get 3 oz of meat off of them!
There are different breeds of bobwhites. A friend of mine in Oklahoma has Butler Bobwhites, which are large quail and for eating. I want some for both eating and fun. I sent a message off to a group working on re-building the quail in MN, but with no response. I would happily hatch them in Spring to release if I could find a source for eggs or if I had enough to do it from my own if I were to get the native breed of them.

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