
I was looking at my CX's tonight, with a critical eye. I am semi disappointed in this group. I have been noticing a lot of size differentia. as Minnie said hers had. Very inconsistent.

I have some nice ones but none will dress 13 pounds this year, which is disappointing in and of itself.

I am having trouble telling the cockerels. At this age they should have larger red waddles and combs, I see none. My Mom was out there tonight and I even asked her do you see any roosters?

She said "No, I was looking the other day, I wonder if you got all hens."

What do you think should I be able to see the difference now, they were 11 weeks old last Tuesday?

The only have 13 days to make themselves known.

Definitely should tell the difference on sexes. I had more pullets this year than cockerels, about 75% pullets, in fact. I always order straight run and usually get more cockerels.
The size was fairly consisted this year when they got weighed, but I know McMurray's have a big variation. I had one that dressed 3# (his name was Nugget and the only named CRX), and the others were over 5.5# This year's were smaller though than I have had using Stromberg's and feeding the same and butchering at the same age. Plus, it wasn't terribly hot this Summer like I have raised them in in the past, so they should have had an easier grow time.

Look how big this guy is!!

He is georgous. I would love one like him! I will try to get a pic of the one I got from you tomorrow. He is getting big! I noticed today how much he has grown. He tried to mate with a Guinea the other day. I am guessing he won't do that again. She ran him off and then all through the yard!! He is not quite trusting of us yet so I haven't gotten a decent pic. He is coming around though and will come with the others to get a bread treat.
Does anybody else ever wake up a dead sleep feeling anxious about your chickens? I woke up last night with this grinding feeling my chickens were stuck outside in the dark and it took me a minute to realize I woke from a dream.

I don't like it because it's hard to get back to sleep
Does anybody else ever wake up a dead sleep feeling anxious about your chickens? I woke up last night with this grinding feeling my chickens were stuck outside in the dark and it took me a minute to realize I woke from a dream.

I don't like it because it's hard to get back to sleep

Yes, almost every night.
The first night I moved my broilers to my new tractors this spring I couldn't sleep a wink. I kept wanting to run out and check them.

The same the first night they arrived in my brooder.

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