
Well, I have quite a variety of roosts, but they have their favorite spots they always sleep on.

I have a automatic watering system with cups, but I turned it off last week so it wouldn't burst with freezing temps coming up. I have heard of people doing this but I'm not sure if its cruel or normal, is it okay to let your chickens eat snow over the winter? I know I will still need water for my ducks and geese.

Does the fertility problem last only while it is frostbit, or is it permanent?

I didn't know either, but I suppose if your nose and ears got severely frostbit it would be horrible.

NO, do not expect your birds to live on water. That is not enough. If you had a stream or creek they drank from in winter for water, that would be okay, but not just snow.

I don't know for sure what the long term effects are on fertility and frostbite.
Ralphie are those your guineas on your roof? how do they get up that high and do they poop all over it? that would drive me crazy

Guineas fly as well as a pheasant or grouse. They can go wherever they want.

They fly to the top of the oak trees when the mood hits them.

They do not poop up there. I am an excellent bird trainer, I have trained all my Guineas to hold it when ever they are on a roof. It was not an easy feat, but it only took about 2 weeks to get them all in sync with it.


As requested, one BO chick photo and one JG with brown wing tips
Ralphie is not qualified to hold poultry addiction classes, as he is definitely an addict of the nth degree. I believe that Judy has attempted to get him to enroll in poultry addiction therapy many times, and as you can see it has not worked.
Ralphie is not qualified to hold poultry addiction classes, as he is definitely an addict of the nth degree. I believe that Judy has attempted to get him to enroll in poultry addiction therapy many times, and as you can see it has not worked.

I believe in "Do as I say. not as I do" therefore I am qualified. I do have sane moments though where I think to myself, "what am I going to do with all these birds".

But I find those moments pass if I get another bird.

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