
So far the girls seem fine with their wings clipped.they havent been on the fence or woodpile YET today they sure are trying to spread and flap their wings. I do think next time i will only clip one wing at a time.
Again I have to say the weather is on the odd side my hostas and bleeding hearts are coming up, I have 5 bloomed roses and a ton of buds on them. My hydrangeas are getting buds on the old wood. not sure what to do about all this hope it doesnt mess up next springs blooms.. I did water all the flowers and trees today.
Well I will be the first one to tell all of you that I need to do less of it. The social media thing. But I do think Instagram is better than Facebook right now. Less advertising. Or as much as you want to follow anyways. Less stupid viral videos that you don't need to watch. No Starbucks red cup drama that I've seen. Just my trusty chicken, garden, craft bloggers putting up cool pictures. I have teen agers so it is also a way for me to snoop on teen age happenings.
Alas! Out eagle/unknown aerial predator has returned and claimed a Wyandotte this time :( she was out in the open, probably didn't stand a chance :( it breaks my heart. The conversation with DW went like this:
DW: that d***ed eagle was back
Me: poor chicken
DW: I'm so made I want to shoot it!
Me: but that is illegal
DW: so what it ate my lovely hen!
Me: you have never even held a gun before
DW: I could learn
Me: does this mean I can buy a shotgun?
DW: *Glares*

Apparently that was the wrong answer. The girls will be locked up the next few days again, supposed to be cold and wet anyhow. The girls can enjoy there covered runs now

Sigh... I know it's part of chicken keeping but still...

Oh and on top of that, today I learned my coworker who I've been working elbow to elbow with for 5 years took a new position so will be leaving me in a couple weeks. So it was a stressful day to start with
The loss that you have experienced may in fact be the result of Owl predation. Years ago I had a run covered by nylon netting, and I had some birds in the pen as growing juveniles. They were about 3/4 grown large fowl. You would hope they would roost in the provided roost area with a solid roof, but they had their own ideas and roosted in the open area.
I had an Owl go right through the netting and kill two birds one night. It only ate the head neck and a small amount of breast.
I now have no pens that birds can be in unattended day or night without wire covers.

Nothing like feeding hay in the pitch black!!
Alas! Out eagle/unknown aerial predator has returned and claimed a Wyandotte this time
she was out in the open, probably didn't stand a chance
it breaks my heart. The conversation with DW went like this:
DW: that d***ed eagle was back
Me: poor chicken
DW: I'm so made I want to shoot it!
Me: but that is illegal
DW: so what it ate my lovely hen!
Me: you have never even held a gun before
DW: I could learn
Me: does this mean I can buy a shotgun?
DW: *Glares*

Apparently that was the wrong answer. The girls will be locked up the next few days again, supposed to be cold and wet anyhow. The girls can enjoy there covered runs now

Sigh... I know it's part of chicken keeping but still...

Oh and on top of that, today I learned my coworker who I've been working elbow to elbow with for 5 years took a new position so will be leaving me in a couple weeks. So it was a stressful day to start with
Sorry your day didnt start well, and sorry about your hen..
Thanks guys. Such is life. Keeping my chin up.

I put old bidy in her cage today and she was NOT happy. She kept flying up and jumping against the walls of the pen. I had it balanced on some buckets so I ended up having to brace it so she wouldn't topple herself

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