
Holy cow! That's a Big Buzzard! I've had a30#bird before & I was able to stuff it in the electric roaster, the lid didn't fit so used tin foil.

LaLa, such a sweet grand baby! My daughter used to tell me all the latest & greatest in child care; I listen & unless I can find good reason to change I do it the old fashion way. Now that she has #3, last & greatest has fallen by the wayside for practical. Oh yea, kids aren't suppose to wear a coat in the car seat also. It's because of people not readjusting straps for winter clothing. You know some idiot is going to get stuck in the ditch & a kid is going to die of hypothermia because they didn't think to bring something to keep the kid warm. This is Minnesota people, moving the straps on a car seat is just a part of changing the wardrobe. I believe in strapping them in securely so they can't escape, child containment system!

I love homemade Mac& Cheese. I love to make it with Gouda. By adding a bit of cream cheese, it stays smooth & creamy. Today I made chicken wild rice soup & a pot of chili for tomorrow. I'm going to make some jalapeño corn bread to go with the chili.

I normally deal with SAD each year, but never have used a light. I really work at getting outside every day. This year it hasn't set in yet, probably because I've been walking 2hrs every day DH is in the chamber. I have put on some mile over the last month. My Bandit has been walking with me most of the time except the rainy days when I walk the skyway.
Vitamin D makes a difference for me, all year. I order it online is 5000iu sized capsules. I get it from vitacost. Can I post links to products?
I have been tested for it in the past, and was low on v. D, so I try to make sure to keep it up.
Quote: Job is going good. It is just cutting into my BYC time. And it is now that time of the year where no one has any time.
Vitamin D makes a difference for me, all year. I order it online is 5000iu sized capsules. I get it from vitacost. Can I post links to products?
I have been tested for it in the past, and was low on v. D, so I try to make sure to keep it up.
Please do post it.
Holy cow! That's a Big Buzzard! I've had a30#bird before & I was able to stuff it in the electric roaster, the lid didn't fit so used tin foil.

LaLa, such a sweet grand baby! My daughter used to tell me all the latest & greatest in child care; I listen & unless I can find good reason to change I do it the old fashion way. Now that she has #3, last & greatest has fallen by the wayside for practical. Oh yea, kids aren't suppose to wear a coat in the car seat also. It's because of people not readjusting straps for winter clothing. You know some idiot is going to get stuck in the ditch & a kid is going to die of hypothermia because they didn't think to bring something to keep the kid warm. This is Minnesota people, moving the straps on a car seat is just a part of changing the wardrobe. I believe in strapping them in securely so they can't escape, child containment system!

I love homemade Mac& Cheese. I love to make it with Gouda. By adding a bit of cream cheese, it stays smooth & creamy. Today I made chicken wild rice soup & a pot of chili for tomorrow. I'm going to make some jalapeño corn bread to go with the chili.

I normally deal with SAD each year, but never have used a light. I really work at getting outside every day. This year it hasn't set in yet, probably because I've been walking 2hrs every day DH is in the chamber. I have put on some mile over the last month. My Bandit has been walking with me most of the time except the rainy days when I walk the skyway.

ok, the no snowsuit in the car. I've had that argument with my daughter.
I'm incredulous. "You mean, it is -30 below and you are putting that baby in a light weight onsie? "
Amy says, well the car will be warmed up and the carseat is in the house, so it is warm.
I say, " and when the car goes in a ditch?"

honestly. she was raised in minnesota. she knows you don't go in the car in the winter if you are leaving the metro area without storm supplies, extra boots, etc. what in the sam hill is she thinking?
debating chores today. I could drive my older friend who is housebound, and my partner, who is on muscle relaxants, down to the cities to Ikea to get some bins for the storage closet. It has 9 years of odds and ends and I can't find anything anymore. And then I could drop off swedish meatballs at my daughters and grab that baby to hold for a minute.

Or....I could clean the house, make orange cranberry sweet bread, start the wood stove and sit by the fire.

the way that wind is howling I don't think I will do anything outside today, and it is supposed to be warmer tomorrow.

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