
Oh gosh Cluckies...I so know it would be good to be prepared. But as a life long procrastinator I seem to enjoy making my life harder on my self. LOL
Time to get on it! I still need to finish my Foiled Bubble wrap experiment for the inside of the coop and get the flat panel mounted beack up in the coop. I noticed the shavings need to come out too. It's time for coop maintenance day.

My basement also needs to be "handled". It seems it's suffering from "here a pile, there a pile." Organization makes me feels so good. Why don't I do it?!

I'd pray about it. Thats what I do. It makes me feel better until I must enter the area again. Its all His anyway. Doesn't He want it organized, neat and orderly? I have determined that I don't know how to make it better. Other than to start throwing. Oh I am attached to those years-old magazines. Ugh!
Maplewood here. I have a trio of bb red oeb's.

Anyone here selling any seramas? Hard to come by them in MN.

Have a great day everyone!

Maplewood here. I have a trio of bb red oeb's.

Anyone here selling any seramas? Hard to come by them in MN.

Have a great day everyone!

Welcome to this Minnesota Chicken Lovers time-wasters fun-loving group. IF that is a picture of you for your Avatar I would suggest you be care here. Many of us are too old for that kind of
**Stepping on soapbox**

I disagree, 99.9%

Traders Joe is based in California, how is that any better than Walmart?  Both are national companies, both have local stores. The salaries stay locally, the lower prices help the locals.

I have Walmart stock, so I know a small percentage comes back to me.

**stepping off soapbox.**

I never said that Trader Joes was a good alternative. I have an inherent mistrust for company labels. It's trendy...

Walmart wages ... Sales associates make $9.32/hr. That leaves very little left for anything.
Are you afraid old man Ralphie is going to have a heart attack?!?
Naw. Ralphie's been married for forty + years. He can handle anything. Even the fact that his wife will not change to become the woman he wishes for and will not let him go to a date site to find someone he thinks might be more compatible because they submit to his Chickening and Kitchen Gadgetry. I was just being jealous of those precious wasted years. . . . . sigh . . . . .
My week has been crazy, just crazy! So as some of you may remember, we got two young Nigerian Dwarf kids in August (a doeling and her whether brother). They were born the middle of April and have been so much fun to have. We really enjoy them. This is a picture from in August. Duchess and Gonzo!

I was doing chores on Monday all day, since its my day off. Around 6:30 pm I put the goats in their pen, fed the dogs, walked in the house to get some clean water for the goats (very picky about water). When I walked into the pen, Duchess was laying on the straw bleating at me, which is strange, and then I realized why - she was kidding. What???? Didn't know she was pregnant and didn't expect it because she is way, way too young. Gestation for goats are 145-150+ days. That means she was approximately 2 months old when she got pregnant. It is highly unusual, since 8 weeks is the earliest they can be fertile, but most are not. The friends that we got the goats from said that their buck and escaped into the doe pen 2x this summer for less than a day each but were flabbergasted that the tiny doeling was bred by him. Long story short, she had the baby in less than 15 minutes. Our friend came over to help me with them, since we've never had goats and I didn't know what to do (hubby was out of town, of course, too). She now has a little buckling at her side, named Walhart (or Wally). The goats are the DD for 4h, so she named him. She is feeding him, but I'm not sure if he is getting enough to eat since mom is so young and not really mature. Terrible time of year to have a little one, especially when you had no idea he was coming. It is not warm enough for him. Here are some pictures of Wally!

These were taken the night he was born. He is about a foot tall. His "coat" is the sleeve of a sweatshirt to help him stay warm. Don't want him mistaken for a deer, of course.
My week has revolved around making sure mom and son are doing well along with my work schedule, taking care of the chickens, hubbies pheasants, dogs, cats and single parenting it till yesterday. I'm exhausted and I need to get outside to get more yardwork and coop work done.

That is a BIG surprise! Poor little girl. But look at the cutie she brought with.
Our furnace quit working the other day. The furnace guy is here, and has it fixed. Yay! So thankful that it happened now, and not in a month or two. Yikes! We had one space heater going and that was enough to keep us in the mid to upper 60's, even upstairs. Next step is to get a little wood stove as back up. I don't like relying on gas and power to keep us warm in the winter. (I will gladly use it, just don't like relying on it. LOL)

Our washer quit working on me. I worked on it for many hours but alas - I called a repair person. Had to load up all those wet items and run over to the laundromat in Monticello. That was above and beyond and I am glad it is done.

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