
Still pregnant!  They look huge!  I am doing 'udder checks' daily to look for any filling of the bags.  :p   so silly me.  I am so impatient.  No action yet though so should still be a bit from my ignorant self knowledge on the matter.  Would love to have someone who knows a thing or two come here and give me some real deal knowledge! 

My father was the impatient expectant father during calving season. My mother would comment that he worried more about the pregnant cows than her. I told her she didn't have to birth in the middle of a cold field.
My father was the impatient expectant father during calving season. My mother would comment that he worried more about the pregnant cows than her. I told her she didn't have to birth in the middle of a cold field.
:) Besides 3 kittens this will be our first birthing on the farm. Big excitement round here! At least your mom could communicate with your dad and tell him what was going on as far as delivery goes. Not so much with the cows as we watch and wait.
this morning in the dark at 4 am, went out to the coop for chicken chores before leaving for work.

I'm not that skittish, but there was some serious rustling going on in the run, and something was thrashing around. I could see a pair of eyes but they were not in the same area as the big thrashing , like something was ricocheting around the underbrush (part of the run is seriously overgrown).

I stook stock still and thought. Ok, not bears, coyotes, fox, coons. Rabbit? thrashing? And the eyes.....cat?

Went into the run, thinking, maybe opening the coop doors and leaving for work isn't such a hot idea....what ever critter is in the run could get inside the coop to the sleeping hens.

Found the eyes in the headlamp beam again and just talked to the critter. Finally saw it was the black and white cat that has been hanging around and that usually takes off like a flash! I'm sure it likes the water for the chickens, and there has to be some seriously good mice hunting.

I can't believe I was so jittery! For a few minutes I was seriously contemplating calling in late to work so I could wait til dawn to open up the coops.

You are braver than me. I'd have dropped everything and walked as fast as I could to the house - I'm too old to run! LOL
Howdy folks!
How is everyone - been busy with work and trying to get something accomplished on the weekends. How is the winter treating everyone? I know I've missed oodles of posts and I can't lie - not even trying to read a bajillion pages.

Hope everyone is doing great!

Truly enjoying this mild weather up here in east central MN.

Well my Craigslist 8 are down to 3. Hard lesson learned but **** round worms are going to kill them all I reckon. I've kept them mostly separated from the keets we hatched and the McMurray hatchery chicks and Lena so I think everyone else is okay. Since getting the necropsy results Gina Hercules and the no-name Silkie I did do Wazine treatment in the water. Lost my Gracie over the weekend -- she was my last LO. They went to the brain - she was paralyzed Saturday afternoon and died Sunday.

So I expect the roo and the two hens that are left to keel over before they are a year old.

Learned my lesson - no more chick purchases from Craigslist.

If I don't check back before Friday here's hoping everyone has a wonderful Christmas! I'm wishing for more chickens come spring. I got the large eye roll just a few minutes ago when I said I was gonna order chickens......
Foxy, that is such a cool gift. I'm going to make a note, that would be a great present next year for my SIL.

Rhetts, part of your planning for the calving should be a charged up phone or camera for pics!!!

Running errands today, had to go to wisc and the snow slowed me down so got home after chickens in coop for roosting. Goldie alone in half the coop, up on the tallest roost!!! She had no intention of coming down when I opened the door to let all the 13 other hens who claim that half of the coop as home.

So...tomorrow I'll have to get her and see what to do to keep others from munching on her.
mistahblue, that's awful. Where abouts was the craigs list seller located?

Scandia, hope your commute home wasn' ttoo bad. I lucked out and can work from home tomorrow.
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Foxy, that is such a cool gift. I'm going to make a note, that would be a great present next year for my SIL.

Rhetts, part of your planning for the calving should be a charged up phone or camera for pics!!!

Running errands today, had to go to wisc and the snow slowed me down so got home after chickens in coop for roosting. Goldie alone in half the coop, up on the tallest roost!!! She had no intention of coming down when I opened the door to let all the 13 other hens who claim that half of the coop as home.

So...tomorrow I'll have to get her and see what to do to keep others from munching on her.

I found the instructions on Pinterest, it was super easy. If I can build it anyone can! The only thing that was a little tricky was the drain, but my husband figured that out.

Great news on Goldie!!
Foxy, that is such a cool gift. I'm going to make a note, that would be a great present next year for my SIL.

Rhetts, part of your planning for the calving should be a charged up phone or camera for pics!!!

Running errands today, had to go to wisc and the snow slowed me down so got home after chickens in coop for roosting. Goldie alone in half the coop, up on the tallest roost!!! She had no intention of coming down when I opened the door to let all the 13 other hens who claim that half of the coop as home.

So...tomorrow I'll have to get her and see what to do to keep others from munching on her.

oh no why are they munching on her?!

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