
LOOKIE LOOK .. I got my 1st egg.. Well not me but my red sex link.. Remember the other day she laid down for me.. Well today when I went to sit with them she came up to me and laid down and I started petting her THEN she spread her wings and started doing some sort of shaking dance and out plopped a Egg... Ohh isn't it beautiful... her egg compared to a store bought large

Awesome! She laid a big one!
Almost midnight fly by.

Hugs to all who lost feathered ones these past few days. Da$&/ predators. Coyotes were tearing it up too darn close the other night. Let the male GP mix off the leash (keep him up until hunting season over). He came back to house 3 days in row with dang near a whole deer carcass. Roomie took off with him on Friday, I think it was, to see if she could see how close to our property. I just realized I forgot to ask her how close they were. Crap.

Have any of you tried the night guard predator lights? Since they are local the rookie went over a few weeks back and was able to pick up some refurbished for good price. Got two on coop and so far so good.

We've got the dogs in pen near the birds and I hope that helps. Does anyone have barn cats who sleep with their birds? I've got a couple who love to come in coop. One slept in smaller cage with a dozen Guinea meets. Still had the dozen when I went to let her out the next morning. I don't know if hey are attracted to the warmth of so many bodies or have the desire to "guard" their birds?

Got one hen laying - crazy girl. Climbs in the box at night and lays then moves to roost. Yesterday I found a newly laid - cause was still warm - egg but tonight found a cold one. I need a video camera in the coop I swear.....

Be careful around a crowds too - just getting over nasty stomach bug. Hope no one catches it.

Until my next fly by
Later taters
So, I have a few jubilee orpingtons. They are about 3.5 months old. There were two roos that were like twins. Did everything together. They are big healthy roos, especially for their age. I went out there yesterday and everything was fine. Went out there a few hours later and found one of the roos dead inside the coop by the feeder, with his brother sitting on the right starting at him (so sad!!).

I only have a couple of thoughts...
1) sudden death, but he was laying with his back up, legs tucked under him, and had tucked all the way under him, eyes shut. It almost looked like he was flattened a little too... and he was starting to get stiff.

2) another older roo (I have 3, one is like 18lbs), could have killed him. Will a roo sit on top of another roo until they are dead? This was a fairly large one, but the other is triple his size. I didn't think this could happen because all of our roos are so nice. One will run the moment he hears anything to fix the problem. Guard dog. The big guy though, I saw him chase a much smaller roo out if the coop yesterday and scared him like crazy. This isn't typical behavior for this roo at all, he is big and slow and low man on the totem pole. But he is also learning he is a roo finally.

3) broken neck from flying into something. Extremely unlikely. These guys never go up high enough to fly into anything.

Poor guy.
So, I have a few jubilee orpingtons. They are about 3.5 months old. There were two roos that were like twins. Did everything together. They are big healthy roos, especially for their age. I went out there yesterday and everything was fine. Went out there a few hours later and found one of the roos dead inside the coop by the feeder, with his brother sitting on the right starting at him (so sad!!).

I only have a couple of thoughts...
1) sudden death, but he was laying with his back up, legs tucked under him, and had tucked all the way under him, eyes shut. It almost looked like he was flattened a little too... and he was starting to get stiff.

2) another older roo (I have 3, one is like 18lbs), could have killed him. Will a roo sit on top of another roo until they are dead? This was a fairly large one, but the other is triple his size. I didn't think this could happen because all of our roos are so nice. One will run the moment he hears anything to fix the problem. Guard dog. The big guy though, I saw him chase a much smaller roo out if the coop yesterday and scared him like crazy. This isn't typical behavior for this roo at all, he is big and slow and low man on the totem pole. But he is also learning he is a roo finally.

3) broken neck from flying into something. Extremely unlikely. These guys never go up high enough to fly into anything.

Poor guy.

Sorry to hear about your roo. I've never kept roosters before - this is my first time at it and I have two that are about 3 months old. Needless to say, I'm no rooster pro! However, I'm curious if he was sick or stressed. Any physical indication of a fight (internal damage?).
Athalia I am sorry about your roo!! I wish I could help but I am not good at figuring out deaths. Also are you new to yhe thread? Haven't seen you here before? And where are you from??

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