
Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I have a year old flock of 3 hens( Australorp, Orpington and white rock). They are the best, this entire winter they have all been producing an egg a day! We decided to expand our flock and I went to anoka ramsey farm and garden center and picked up a red sexlink, RIR, speckled Sussex, Dominique and gold laced wyandotte!
Hope everyone survived the storm! We got about 8" here!
Welcome... im not on here much anymore but pop in time to time. this is a great place to come for lots of info and support. Hope to see you around.. and BTW im right by anoka ramsey feed...
I think all of us hatch chicks here but not all of them sell them. I sell chicks if u want but none of us sell sexed chicks. PM me if interested and I will tell u what I have...
watch out mnbrewdude Holms will try and get you addicted to ducks..LOL... and Welcome to MN BYC...
the quick weather change distracted me! the kittens move out of the shop into their new shed and get free access to roam the farm. they are so happy and are so fun to watch.

RJ figured out how to get to the top of the corn crib, Wallace soon followed and they watch over the farm from their thrones

Sherah sunning through the cat door

'The boys' hanging out in the corn crib

wallace and RJ, The twins

Even Buck was enjoying seeing grass for once
I don't get the whole duck thing! Where I live there is a bounty of wood ducks, teals, mallards to watch and kill (during season). What's the drive to keep them?

They r better egg layers and can forage more of their food if aloud the chance too.

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