
Thanks Jermoatc!
Boy a lot has has happened at my place.
Bad News:
Lots of chicky death, my flock of forty is now a flock of twenty
Good News:
Most of my surviving hens started laying and a lot of my mutt chickens lay olive colored eggs!
I just went and visited the two Nigerian Dwarf Wethers I will be getting around April 2 when there weaned. They are half the height of my brahma zach!


Oh and my pups went from 30, 40, and 45 pounds to 80, 98, and 105 pounds a matter of about 3-4 months
They are currently eating 2 bags of Science Diet Puppy each week, they are starting to slow down but still JEESH.
Oh and chickens died from stray dogs, coyotes, fox, and raccoons. My neighbor's brand new flock of 10 pullets was killed too. End of story we got our redneck friends together and that was the predators last chicken dinner...
Thanks Jermoatc!
Boy a lot has has happened at my place.
Bad News:
Lots of chicky death, my flock of forty is now a flock of twenty
Good News:
Most of my surviving hens started laying and a lot of my mutt chickens lay olive colored eggs!
I just went and visited the two Nigerian Dwarf Wethers I will be getting around April 2 when there weaned. They are half the height of my brahma zach!


Oh and my pups went from 30, 40, and 45 pounds to 80, 98, and 105 pounds a matter of about 3-4 months
They are currently eating 2 bags of Science Diet Puppy each week, they are starting to slow down but still JEESH.
Wow, sorry about losing half the flock. It's good you took care of the predators! Those goat kids are really really cute! Will the area where their horns were grow hair eventually or not?
Wild child, those are adorable goats.

Sorry to hear about the predators but.....there will be more and they will come again. You might think about ways to discourage them and to protect your flock - or just get used to losing half your flock now and then.

welcome back!
hey, have you ever heard a woodcock buzz?

went out this morning doing chicken chores just before dawn and was listening. Kept hearing this buzz sound. Hit up the Cornel ornithology lab and listened to some sounds, and I have woodcocks! very excited.

thats a new one on me in this place.

And, I think I have a couple of broodies. Not quite ready for them to settle in yet, but there are so many eggs and I don't get home to collect them til around 5 or 6....
Feeling very talented today...
I think I broke two fingers today. Slammed one finger in the chicken coop door. Hurt like crazy. Throbbing went down so I went to move plants into the pop up greenhouse, then proceeded to slam the finger right next to that one in the backdoor. Going to splint them. Bending them is getting harder and harder to do. Ugh. Although, I do have to say, I am laughing at myself now. My mom sent me to skipping/ballet lessons as a young kid for coordination issues... I don't think it helped, considering it's been a lifelong struggle not to face plant, stub toes, stab fingers, and worse. I think I need a full body suit of bubble wrap.
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