


Isn't she the cutest calf?! She was born on Sunday but I never got around to sharing pics! I did some milkimg yesterday. 1 gallon from the front right quarter and ½ a gallon from the other. I left the rest for the calf.
So I bought a healthy cereal for my DD, we mix half high sugar fun stuff with healthy stuff.
The healthy stuff is bad. Even I don't like it. So we decided to feed it to the chickens.

And they won't eat it either!
Almost every day when I drive past Kelly Farms there is a cow in the field birthing a calf. Sometimes they are standing by the road, oblivious to the traffic.

yeah, I swear I'm gonna drive into the ditch one of these days, too much rubbernecking to see the babies.

Holmes, thanks for posting the calf pic - looks so sweet.

Only 10 days to hatch date! Can't wait to be done with broody patrol, this is the most awkward setup I've ever used. requires daily crawling on hands and knees to reach the broody and remove her from the nest, crawl backwards holding an angry broody, ....geesh.

And...that little seaquist is broody now. I might clean out the quail coop, and pop her in that. My broody breaking cage is being used by a broody hen on the nest.

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