
We will be cleaning up for a while with all the mess we got, but we got the kids pitching and helping too, so it will get done eventually. It isn't hurting anything being there but it doesn't look very nice.

I have caught 2 coon so far. I am moving some of the traps though and hoping I get a few more in the next couple of days.

Our Blueberries weren't ready as of 4 or 5 days ago when I was out, but I bet some are getting close. They are still pretty small shrubs so we don't get much. We would like to plant a lot more though.
It turns out we didn't lose as many fruit trees as we though, but one did get bent right over and snapped at the base, a plum or pear. The peach tree held up the best. That is life in the Plains States though, isn't it?
I lost two apple trees just planted this spring - to deer, though, not the storms. Very first night, before I could get up protective fencing, the deer chomped them down. That was a waste of 75$ and the time to find them and bring them home and plant them. I can whine pretty good, right?

Raining like crazy, so no outdoor work today. Might have to embark on my very least favorite thing to do - drive to the cities and shop for clothes for work.

here are the month old babies meant for dinner:
Minnie I hope u get the rest of the coons!

Last night I noticed something moving around on the patio and when I turned the lighton outside there was a momma coon with three babies trying to destroy the bird feeders. So I knocked on the door trying to scare them but they just kept on. So I got grandpa and he got his handgun and it was like World war 2 up in this joint. Lets just say not all of them are coming back
Sorry about your sons bird, terrible!

I can picture you in the tree all in black ready to leap, lol  I'll tell you though, somedays!  If I had a predator, i think this is exactly what I would do. or sleep in the coop/run for a few nights with night vision goggles and my compound bow! :mad:    DH probably wouldn't appreciate it, but, oh well!  lol

Sorry for not responding sooner! Got side tracked. Lol

So we now KNOW we are dealing with raccoons. Last night I kept hearing this funny sound, thought it was my kid sneaking out of bed. So I checked in her and she was asleep, but kept hearing a loud squeaking. Then I thought one of my cats had ahold of something. So I went out to check on them. Started to walk out onto the patio(only have a light by the garage, so the patio is dark) thankfully I paused before opening the screen door, or I would have walked right into the middle of seven raccoons at my front door. Woke my husband up quick, but they took off before he could get them. Thankfully all my cats were okay.

Then tonight I was just taking my daughter out of the tub, and I started hearing one of my hens practically yelling. I ran out of the house to the coop, the whole time hearing her. It was to dark to see, but I shook the coop door and something started growling at me on the other side the door.(my hens was quiet) I ran for the house and got my husband, he ran out and shot a round off into the air, since he couldn't see to make sure he wouldn't get a bird or cat.
It had taken off before he got in there. We both went in and we were both fully expecting to find all our birds gone, but thank God they were all okay. Thankfully I heard my hens when I did because they were corning her and that was why she was yelling. I walked in and she ran right for me, jumped up on a bucket for me to pick her up and did not want me to put her down. Couldn't even get her to stay in her coop, took both of us to get her to stay in after we checked it.

Now it is time to remove them and save the rest of our birds and keep our cats from being attacked.
Funny thing...my oldest cat took off for the woods when they showed up, left the younger ones to deal with it. He didn't come out until he knew they were gone.

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