
I'd be willing to drive a distance. I have family in Duluth, Hudson, WI, and enjoy trips down by Rochester. I'm looking for smaller docile breeds. I'd love a patridge, golden laced, or silver laced Cochin. I'm currently gushing over lemon cuckoo orpingtins. Silkies are wonderful as well. Basically smaller and have fluffy bums.
Hey there MN! Duluth area here. I am looking to rehome my polish rooster. He was an accidental boy last summer, about 10 months old. Is there a more local forum for this? My local Facebook group post is not getting any takers. :(
Anyone in the princeton, milaca, mora, or nearby areas have day old-few days old pure-bred chicks for sale? Just had a bad hatch and would like to add a few more chicks. Feel free to message me or reply here, thanks!
Hey all! New to byc. In SW MN. I have a flock of 16 and I have a few questions!
1. I'm a ditz and forgot how to start a new forum!
2. The question I wanted to ask in the forum was about sprouts and fermenting sprouts for your chickens. Anyone do that? Recomend any organic sprout sources, fermenting process?? Like I said I'm 100% new to this! I have 16 birds, about 9 weeks old. Thanks all!!
Hey all! New to byc. In SW MN. I have a flock of 16 and I have a few questions!
1. I'm a ditz and forgot how to start a new forum!
2. The question I wanted to ask in the forum was about sprouts and fermenting sprouts for your chickens. Anyone do that? Recomend any organic sprout sources, fermenting process?? Like I said I'm 100% new to this! I have 16 birds, about 9 weeks old. Thanks all!!
I only sprout stuff for my birds in the winter... I sprout oats and BOSS. I just pick up a bag of oats at the feed mill, dump a few cups in a bucket and put water on them...
I am in Morgan, Mn
Anyone have any Maran hens/roosters? Or fertile eggs? Or chicks?
I can trade for Ameraucana or Lav Orpington hens/roosters, eggs of chicks
I have a lot of young Marans cockerels. Won’t sell until they mature a little more though...
For some reason, I never got a notification for this reply :( I can ship eggs! Never tried it with chicks..
What breeds do you have?
I currently have Mille Fleur, just hatched a few Serama and Silkies. A lot of different breeds for regular size fowl, I'm one of those who want to see variety in her backyard. I'm going on vacation Sept 19th so will probably not need any until I get back. Ok if I message you then?

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