Minor Rant/Vent: 11 Week Olds STILL Escaping Poultry Netting Fence


8 Years
Apr 15, 2016
Middle TN
Argh. I swear, this group of chicks will be the death of me. Usually, I'm able to let my young birds out into the run, which is fenced in electric poultry netting, by 7 or 8 weeks of age without worrying about them making a break for it. Not this batch, though. :he They're 11 weeks old this weekend, and they're STILL able to squeeze through the fence, although it is becoming a tighter squeeze for sure. I'm sure the neighbors love watching me chase them around the yard at night, trying to round them up and get them back into the coop. :duc They've been fully integrated into the flock and living in the coop for almost two months now. While they stick closer to the run/adult flock now than they did in the beginning, they definitely enjoy their freedom. This "game" is getting really, really old.
Just consider it your workout for the day :)

Are they getting under it? Or threw the holes in it ?

Give them a new feeder or a few tree stumps something to entertain them in the fence ... I had a batch that drove me mental , I literally dreaded going into the coop they were so loud, crazy and in your face ( really like on my head), all the time ... hubby thought they were so funny , I enjoyed selling the whole bunch :)they were just too much work ( Icelandic’s)
Are they getting under it? Or threw the holes in it?

They go through the holes - albeit more slowly now that they barely fit!

Yes, it's definitely a workout. Depending on how obnoxious they are in the evenings, my Fitbit logs our little encounter as a "walk" or "sport". :lau

They have multiple perches, a huge tree, a couple of tunnels, and several feed and water stations inside the run. I even moved the run fence yesterday so they'd have fresh grass/ground to scratch around in. That's not enough for this crew, apparently.

This, too, shall pass...eventually...
My current solution is just to keep the entire flock in their coop and smaller/secure run unless I'm home to keep an eye on them. The adults are not pleased with me, but hopefully things will return to normal in another week or two when these brats finally get too big to squeeze through.

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