Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed

sounds like a great floor show Miracle. I had no Idea Chicken Chicken had 10 babies. Little Toot sounds adorable, I guess mama didnt mind waiting the extra time for him to hatch. He'll catch up with them someday and no one will know he hatched later. You are very observant Miracle I think you should be a news reporter and maybe a moderator for BYC also. The sky is the limit. When you are in a safe place lightning can be lots of fun to watch, it is beautiful too . Have a nice evening Miracle - sleep tight.
glad for the good news
have fun and have another good day soon
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Miracle, I just read your whole thread, and I think you're awesome.

I went to feathersite to look at pics of other chicken/guineas and OMG I love the naked neck/guinea crosses. They look like *vultures*. XD
Hello Miracle:

Well today I found out where all the Guinea Hens are dissipearing to. I found two in the neighbors pastures sitting and a few running the horse arena so late at night they miss the closing of the chicken barn and just roost with the miniature horses and thier babies.

Those Guinea friends can be so silly can't they !!

Have lots of good days Miracle.

Hi Mena. I have discovered that if you go to open the coop and you find a lone Guinea hen out, she is most likely sitting somewhere and has come up to the coop/barn for food and drink.

A sitting hen ALWAYS makes me a nervous wreck, but this is what they do. I have two very large and deep round "horse" tubs inside the barn with a hay base and shavings base and a grass hay layer for the girls to sit.

I get lucky and a few Guinea hens will sit there in the barn and I know they are much safer than those sitting in the tall grass.

Like i said though they sure are a silly bunch and their mating and sitting habits are not what I would like, but here we are.
they really are amazing though- we have a hen sitting behind the house in a thick wooded rocky area, the other three keep a close watch, and they have a routine where they give her 'time off', she will come in to eat and relax... then i discovered yesterday as i was watering that they will play with the water spray, running in and out of it like kids do.... so silly!
Hello from Miracle,

Well, tonight there was more drama at roost time. Chicken Chicken is just tired of that cardboard box on the floor and wants to sleep somewhere else with her babies. Last night she tried the nest box but that didn't work so she got back in the box. All 10 keets followed her in there. Tonight she decided she really wanted to sleep on the roost with all the other birds. It was a really big mistake. I wasn't on the roost looking down this time. I was on the floor looking up and watching the babies try to make their way to mama. She got on the roost and started calling them. Three of them made it up there but the others couldn't. Poor Little Toot didn't have a chance. The roosts are HIGH. It is hard for me to get up there and I'm 7 months old!

One of the keets took a piggy-back ride up there. Chicken Chicken hates it when they get on her back. She was walking on the roost, squalking, and trying to get the baby off her back.


I had to walk outside because I got all stressed out just watching them.
Finally Chicken Chicken gave up, climbed down from the roost, and took all the little ones into the cardboard box again for the night. I don't know why she doesn't like the box. It is really big. It says F-r-e-e-z-e-r on the side and has hay, water, and food inside.

It is quiet now and everyone has settled down. I hope it has settled down at your house too.

Good night!
Miracle, I can see why you are stressed. I am too, just looking at those poor babies on the ladder , and hoping no one falls off. I think Chicken Chicken is just tired of being momma, we all have those kinda days.

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