Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed

Miracle, how many chicks does Chicken Chicken have?

Hi, this is Miracle.

Poor Chicken Chicken. She has been a really good mama to the keets. She hatched out 16 of them herself and the two guinea mamas in the nest boxes are hatching keets too. The guinea mamas are hatching about one keet a day now because they let other guineas come into their nests and lay eggs. Now their eggs are all in different stages so they are not hatching together. Mena gave a lot of the guinea mama's keets to Chicken Chicken to raise. Also, people came to our farm and wanted some keets to take home with them. Now Chicken Chicken only has 6 keets to take care of. Mena has been taking the new ones in the coop where she lives and putting them in a box with a light. The guinea mamas can't take care of them theirselves because they still have a lot of eggs under them. It is getting easier now for Chicken Chicken. Mena isn't going to give her any more. It is time for her to rest and be herself again. The Golden Girls are getting tired of her thinking she is a queen anyway.

Got to go dust bathe with my friends.


Sounds like ChickenChicken is a hard-working girl. It must make you tired just thinking about it. Enjoy your dust bath!

No, Little Toot is still here. The people thought he was a runt and didn't want him. He is just younger than all the rest and smaller so he got to stay with me! Hey, Little Toot is getting wing feathers and flew up to the nest box last night! Yeah, Little Toot!!!

The dust bath was nice but it is very HOT out here!

Goodbye from Miracle!
goodnight Miracle!
im tired...
This is a very sad post. It is the one I was hoping to never have to write but always knew I would. We have lost Miracle. I knew from the beginning that cross breeds don't usually live long. Friday night I was counting everyone on the roost before lockdown. Miracle was having trouble balanceing up there and was making a strange sound. Then she fell off. I picked her up and took her outside the coop. She was blinking those big black eyes and looking content but I decided I needed to isolate her and give her vitamin water so I put her in the portable dog kennel. She wasn't in there a minute before she died. My husband and I were right beside her. I am sad for the bird and for us but most of all for you guys who have been reading this thread.

I still see Miracle on the roost at night, roaming the fields and yard, hopping up into my petunias, and in the flower beds. Also I still feel Miracle's spirt here watching what goes on and checking on Little Toot and the other birds. Miracle's spirit still has much to share and I will be listening to her "still small voice" from the roost and on the morning air. I can share these things with you if you want to hear them.

Miracle is in one of the places she loved the most. My flower bed. She can stay there now and I won't have to chase her out!


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