Miracle Story!


Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
Side note: I took the duck eggs at day 21 so they are in my incubator.

I had set 8 duck eggs set under a broody chicken named, Broody Buff, fast forward a little bit I lost one of the duck egg, so now I’m down to 7. Later I find out 2 of the 7 are chicken eggs lol! 21 days went by fast and the chicks started to get in position to hatch....well, I got a little coop ready, so I could move Broody Buff and the eggs before they hatch because, I have had a very bad experience with chicks in the big coop under broody. So, I moved them and had to put food and water up for Broody Buff....when I checked she was very MAD and had smashed one of the chicks in its shell. I ran into the house and put it in my incubator that has the duck eggs + an egg that was attacked under a duck who is sitting. Anyway, not to long after I made a decision to take the chick out of the egg because when I say it was smashed it was smashed bad. After, I had taken him out there was blood, and he still did not absorb the yoke all the way (it was not squashed which was a shock), but if I left him in he would have probably died. I said some prayers for the sweet little guy who was fighting to breath,!and less then 5 minutes later I checked on it and he was breathing very well!! As time passed he started to cheep when I touched him. He did make it through the night and is walking, cheeping, and doing chick things!! He and his hatch mate was rejected by Broody Buff so I’m not happy about that.

When I took him out of the egg.

This morning!

He is still weak and is a lot smaller then his hatch mate. Thank you for reading! I’ll be updating how he or she is doing and how it grows here I believe it’s a EE x Ayam Cemani. Thanks again!

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