Mis Pollitos

I agree with RAREROO at 9 wks the combs are too big to be pullets at this time, in about 3 more weeks they should start developing their sex feathers (hackles, saddle and wing bow feathers) these feathers will be more pointed on the end and more shiney, if they are BSL's these feathers will prolly be more straw(kinda flaxing) colored and prolly have some brown ticking and black stippling. Anyway I got some pics of the girls you inquired about they are not the best as it was cloudy and late in the evening when I took them but I'll try to get some better ones.




These are from a BRx RIR cross.

This one is a BRxBO cross.
mis pollitos are 11-12 weeks old now. Our Mexican friend is assuring me they're all hens called Chana...can't find anything on the web about chana gallinas but they do resemble some of the hens I've seen posted on this forum and am still holding out that they are hens! I don't understand about the "sexing feathers" that someone spoke about. What am I looking for?



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With my Cuckoo Marans or all my hens they didn't start getting bigger waddles or combs is right about now at 17 - 18wks. Some of yours have very big & very red waddles & combs for this age.

The Saddle feathers will be just in front of the tail, will be narrow pointy feathers. In a few weeks we'll want to see close ups of the neck & tail areas.

if they are barred rocks they are boys! At 11-12 weeks girls barely have a comb no tail feathers like yours meaning droopy this is a pic of boy and girl at about the same age
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Sorry but theres no need to hold onto false hope, at that age with those sized combs , there is no doubt that they are all roosters. There color resembles hens becuase like I said they are mixed with something and thus they are Heterozygous barred meaning they carry only one copy of barring like barred rock hens. The sex feathers are also pretty obvious in your roos too as you can see their tail feathers starting to turn downward. sheila3935 posted a great comparison for you to show how hens hardly have any comb at that age.
Do you have a current picture of your birds? If you decide they are roosters, you need to start thinking about what you will do with them and how you will cook them. You don't want them to get old and tough.

Sex feathering or hackle and saddle feathers are IMO what make roos so pretty! Look on here at pictures of mature roosters, see the long, flowing, pointy feathers swinging from the neck and in front of the tail? Hens don't have these. Look at your boys, you can see pointy feathers starting to grow in those areas. I agree with rareroo, those are boys. Looks like chicken for dinner
Mis pollitos are getting some really pretty GREEN tail feathers!!! And some skinny, longer neck feathers! Even though my maid, who's father raised these kinds of chickens, is still convinced they're hens, I'm believing I'm going to be making 5 roo dinners!
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