Mis Pollitos

I have Barred Rocks and BSL, un fortunaly I only have Barred Rock pullets so Im not really sure how a BR roo at 3 weeks old would look like.
But here is how my pullets looked at 2.5 weeks old. As you can see my Barred Rock pullets dont have the brownish shade on the face your chicks have.


they do look similar to the cuckoo marans too...I can hardly wait to see what the seller will have to offer manana...hope they don't bring more roos!!! lol Cute chicks! Thank you to everyone for their help. My chicks have a chance of being:

Barred rock
black sex link
cuckoo marans or

Seems like overall the hens are always darker and no spot to a defined spot if they have one. Wish me luck manana!
I know crazy head is going bye bye...I suspected it was a roo before I knew anything but bought blind and trusting. What seriously leads me to believe they are bsl is him saying they are rhode island. Then it has to be bsl.
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Hey I found a pic of my Marans sex links,
if you see the little chick on the very back behind all those white chicks he turned out in to a barred looking roo and if you can see his comb it kind of big, and then the 2 black chicks on the bottom the ones with the brownish face they turned out to be pullets, they all hatched from Maran eggs, but they were probably crossed with something and thats why they turned out to be sex links. Hope this helps.
My silver lace wyandotte had color in its face like one of yours, even had a little brown but now that its all feathered out there is no brown, just black & white. A couple of my cuckoo marans had white spots on their heads but now at 11wks they are still looking like pullets, no changes to combs or no signs of saddle feathers.

they are soooo cuute!!! the roo's spot was really big and round! he had a ro fro!!
I agree with you...can you believe the seller is telling me the roos will look like this?

How am I suppose to believe that? What kind of chicken did I buy? lol
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