Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

How can we make that happen?

MANDATORY LIFE SENTENCE!!! NO PAROLL~ I rather have drug dealers walk than predators!!
Well actually would like neither but you know what i am saying!

Too many states do not have the death penalty or if they do have it, they don't use it. We've lost our spine. There's NO reason on God's green earth to let a child rapist or child murderer or child abductor live. I can't think of one. I don't want to pay to have them housed, fed, educated, medically treated, legally represented, etc, etc, etc. I don't want them to EVER get out. How do you guarantee they never, ever get out again? There's only one way.
Here is a horrible thought.

I heard on the news that a child is more likely to be hurt by their own family members or a family friend then a stranger. So, there is a possibility that someone close to the family, that the little girl knew, might have taken her.

I hope not.
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My son just told me that too; most murders are done by in the 90%tile range of someone you know. Pregnant women who are murdered are almost exclusively murdered by the father of the baby . . .don't we live in a screwed up nation. Makes me sick. And child abductions are almost high % rate of someone they know. It's just bizarre that those kids with her didn't see a thing . . .or hear something. So scary and sad. Felt so sorry for that mom.
True, but it's all supposition at this point. I sure hope they find her before it's too late.

Imagine how her siblings feel. They're sure feeling like it's their fault for quarreling and letting her out of their sight. I pray she's not just hiding, but then I pray she is.

I feel for Mom.
It's just hard for me to imagine that in that little 5 mile area there is 94 offenders... sheesh and a lot of parents probably dont even realize that. I know here in CA you can look up where they sex offenders are ( probably other states too) and see pics and info about them so you can be aware. I dont think they advertise that enough so parents know that maybe there neighbor is one. They arent always creepy seeming people but normal looking and acting people going about their life but meanwhile could have these sick tendencies.

Praying that they find her safe and sound !

It boils down to changing sentencing laws. How can we as concerned Americans change those laws?


This is every parents nightmare. I'm sitting here seething and crying for this mother... for her child...

Everybody agrees that convicted pedophiles should not be walking around, but they are. Why are they? Because the judges are unable to sentence them for a longer term. Why is that? Why haven't we as a nation stood together to change this? It's probably the one thing we can all agree on, yet the jail terms stay the same...

I want to know what I can do.
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yeah, like 80% are kidnapped by someone they know! URGH!!!!!

What is wrong with people? I did the florida offender search just to see who, what and where in my neighood!
I used it on a house mysister was gonna rent and RIGHT next door was a predator! She told the lady and the landlord had NO idea. She said she would warn anyone with kids~ very sicko's
You are a good person that I would love to have for a neighbor.

Sillystunt, you can be my neighbor anytime! I'm sorry I did laugh until I cried.

I just don't understand some people and how they can do the things that they do and go on with their lives as if they have done nothing wrong.

I think the punishment should be exactly what they done to that person. Electric chair and Hanging is too good for these monsters.

We just had a little 11 year old girl raped and murdered by her Aunts friend. The Aunt and Man were drinking and the Aunt passed out at 4 am and then he raped and killed the little girl. They said she was brutally murdered.

You don't even know who your letting in your own home anymore.

The school will not allow my children ride the bus because they live within walking distance, which is almost 1 mile. But, I pay my school taxes, so go figure. No, my children do not walk, I would never allow that.

I pray for this family and I pray that they can find a better way to get their children back and forth to school.
You are a good person that I would love to have for a neighbor.

Sillystunt, you can be my neighbor anytime! I'm sorry I did laugh until I cried.

I just don't understand some people and how they can do the things that they do and go on with their lives as if they have done nothing wrong.

I think the punishment should be exactly what they done to that person. Electric chair and Hanging is too good for these monsters.

We just had a little 11 year old girl raped and murdered by her Aunts friend. The Aunt and Man were drinking and the Aunt passed out at 4 am and then he raped and killed the little girl. They said she was brutally murdered.

You don't even know who your letting in your own home anymore.

The school will not allow my children ride the bus because they live within walking distance, which is almost 1 mile. But, I pay my school taxes, so go figure. No, my children do not walk, I would never allow that.

I pray for this family and I pray that they can find a better way to get their children back and forth to school.

Thank god none of my neighbors were outside when i did that! I would never hear the end of it, LOL. But dang my belly hurt, i felt light headed and i want to NEVER feel like that gain! I REALLY was scared!

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