Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

sadly it is true here in michigan. once in prison, society has to protect them from harm once they enter the prison system. Personally, I'd love to throw them all in general population instead of club med to do easy time.

Actually, I'd love for mandatory castration as a start if they won't approve the death penalty.....

Ok, even better.... Charge all pedophiles and sexual predators with Federal Death Penalty charges, so regardless of the state they can all ride the lightening.

Either one or both.

Yesterday I posted that I contacted my state rep, senator, and governor. As of this evening no one has responded. I did find some pdf files from 2004 when they were rewriting the sentencing laws. Basically they just p***** me off. I think I'm going to continue to pursue this. I need ideas...
In a 25 year span, the violent sexual predator recidivism rate is 53-58% per every study and psychology text I have ever read. I have never seen any actual study that put it at a 90% rate.

I think I may know where the disconnect is. There are two 'recidivism' rates. A molester that does not get caught is almost certain to commit the crime again if given access to another child. Then there is the recidivism rate after prison and 'treatment'. This is a wholly different set of numbers. Most attackers victimize multiple children before they are caught.

Because of my experiences, I was a rape crisis counselor for almost eight years. I'd hate to think of how many of those women (and a couple men) who would have been killed if their attacker had nothing to lose by killing them.
But what about the next 3 or 4 victems after that? Save the few for the needs of the many? I'm sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree here. I hate to say it, but I'd rather that perp do the deed once and die and not go on to perp the next 3-4 others until he's caught again.
But what about the next 3 or 4 victems after that? Save the few for the needs of the many? I'm sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree here. I hate to say it, but I'd rather that perp do the deed once and die and not go on to perp the next 3-4 others until he's caught again.

Well said, Boyd
He'd kill them too because he had nothing to lose by killing them? You are assuming you'll catch him with the first victim.

I put a screwdriver in the side of the guy that attacked me and he still managed to go on to rape 3 more women before the cops actually managed to catch him.
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He'd kill them too because he had nothing to lose by killing them? You are assuming you'll catch him with the first victim.

Once the first thousand are executed the ones who haven't gone over to the dark side will A) either wake up and repress themselves or B) Still be idiots. Sorry, I'd hate for any innocent woman or child to lose their lives but YES. I'd rather it happen once or twice instead of them perp 3-4 more times after they get out of jail. 1 dead innocent to save the innocence of 4-5?

Sorry, but it's a hard world. Once we start treating criminals with the same ruthless abandon as they do to the innocent populace will they wake up, or move out of our country. Personally, this whole rehabilitate somebody who does a crime like that............ I think it is crap and think they need to be dealt with much harsher than any other criminal in general. Pedophiles and violent sexual predators are scum and do not deserve a second chance period. We've obviously gotten our facts from different sources but if I had my way a convicted pedophile or predator is marched outside after his conviction and hung from the first tree you can find.

Televise it, spread the word. We do not need to be afraid of scum like this, they need to fear the law abiding citizens of our country. We are the majority in this..... they are the very small minority. The math is simple....... yet why do they get more chances and rights than the rest? Many an old sarge is fond of saying, "Kill them all, let god sort them out"

And of course there is my fav phrase with the repetitive use of the f word so I can't say it here.
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He'd kill them too because he had nothing to lose by killing them? You are assuming you'll catch him with the first victim.

I put a screwdriver in the side of the guy that attacked me and he still managed to go on to rape 3 more women before the cops actually managed to catch him.

Then he should die, do you disagree?

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