Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

OMG, come on! Kobe wouldn't have bought his wife that like 8 carat ring if he wasn't guilty. And sorry, DNA does solve rape cases! What little child would very concent to a grown man raping her
What the heck are you talking about? DNA SOLVES CRIMES, he say , she says doesn't apply for child molestors! Oh, and if "it" uses it's hands.......still gonna believe the child

Calm down. sweetie!
I know where you are coming from.. we've seen these abused kids first hand in our jobs.. And i know its hard..

actually i've seen both..first hand..

i know, i just keep thinking of the 4 year old i had. Thanks, i am better now! lol
My heart goes out to the family who will never recover from their tragic loss of their baby girl,
I have children of my own and we are foster parents, if anyone hurt my babies I would have no problem spending the rest of my life behind bars knowing that, the person responsible would never have a chance to do it again, life in prison seems like such a light sentence to protect our babies and have peace of mind.
Oh my! I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but I just saw on the news that they found her 'body'. That's so sad!!
I can't imagine what her family is going through, what's wrong with people nowadays??
Calm down. sweetie!
I know where you are coming from.. we've seen these abused kids first hand in our jobs.. And i know its hard..

actually i've seen both..first hand..

i know, i just keep thinking of the 4 year old i had. Thanks, i am better now! lol

I know, i know.
I have some horror stories to tell also. A kid with 2 broken hips from sexual abuse from his family.. and i could go on..
It sickens me too...
Its just such a hard thing..
Most of the kids (teens) i have gotten in my house have been sexually abused at some point in their lives...and then some have acted out sexually because of it... Its just a nasty, scary cycle...
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Sadly, DNA doesn't solve all the cases. It often still comes down to who's word as to whether or not there was consent involed. Kobe got off ... was he innocent, or guilty? We don't know.

OMG, come on! Kobe wouldn't have bought his wife that like 8 carat ring if he wasn't guilty. And sorry, DNA does solve rape cases! What little child would very concent to a grown man raping her
What the heck are you talking about? DNA SOLVES CRIMES, he say , she says doesn't apply for child molestors! Oh, and if "it" uses it's hands.......still gonna believe the child


I sad that sadly, DNA does not solve all crimes. I'll stand by that statement. Last time I looked, Kobe was not locked up, jewlery purchases or not.

I didn't say he was innocent. Personally, I think he was guilty, but I notice that he's still out playing basketball.
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OMG, come on! Kobe wouldn't have bought his wife that like 8 carat ring if he wasn't guilty. And sorry, DNA does solve rape cases! What little child would very concent to a grown man raping her
What the heck are you talking about? DNA SOLVES CRIMES, he say , she says doesn't apply for child molestors! Oh, and if "it" uses it's hands.......still gonna believe the child


I sad that sadly, DNA does not solve all crimes. I'll stand by that statement. Last time I looked, Kobe was not locked up, jewlery purchases or not.

I didn't say he was innocent. Personally, I think he was guilty, but I notice that he's still out playing basketball.

wombat we are talking about child molestors! Sorry~ not really talking about NBA players who cheat on their wives.

you confused me

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