Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida


I thought I was clear that I felt rape should be an actual life sentence. Not what a current supposed life sentence is, an actual lock them up and melt down the key life sentence.

I am so sorry that you were raped and you have to live with this for the rest of your life. My heart goes out to you.

But, I to have had to live with bad memories, and I still say execute them. At least that one will never hurt another soul.
Please don't mistakenly assume, like Boyd has done, that my stance is in any way compassion for the rapist.

My stance is purely for the protection of the victims.

You have a life. I would not see that taken from you because a rapist had nothing to lose by silencing his victim permanently.
This story is fishy

I believe the police are jumping to conclusions and should stop looking at sexual predators and start questioning these little girls that were last seen with the victim.To me it sounds like the sister may have intentionally or accidental killed the little girl and wanted to of course hide the body as soon as possible "garbage can"

If you really think about it...If someone abducted this child,why would they have dumped her body in the town land field and not taken the body to a more secluded area.This story doesn't add up.

I feel for this family and the little girl, thats life was taken away from her at such an early age and whomever done this is found.
they are always finding bodies dumped in the city landfill... people do it all the time...so you can't go blameing a 10year old... I am sur they have questioned her sister... we also don't know how she died and if she was raped... the police know but we don't
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There is a higher likelihood in any of these cases that a person familiar with the child was the perpertrator. This isn't always true. But everyone close to the child also has to be looked over and excluded. Sadly, that includes the parents.
If this happened to one of my grandchildren, I would be devastated...why lock them up in prison so they can get their teeth fixed, etc. when I can't afford physical therapy or to go to the dentist, and they get it for free......Here's what I would do:

Take them out into the woods, chain them to a tree, pour honey all over them and let the fire ants eat them up!!!!!! Slow & agonizing....

Inhumane you say......what about killing a child an throwing their body in a garbage dumpster.....is that humane??

ETA that my heart goes out to Somer's family..
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