Missing!!! 7 year old child-North Florida

Actually, you don't. I will never forgive my attackers, what they did was unforgivable. But that doesn't mean they keep me from being at peace with myself or that I have to waste any portion of my day hating or being angry at them or allow them any control over my thoughts and feelings as I go on with my life.

IMHO, it's wrong to ask victims to forgive those who have done violence against them. It puts the onus back on the victim, making them feel ashamed and wrong if they are unable to forgive. It's an unnecessary burden to ask them to bear, especially given that hating and being angry at their attacker can get them through a rough patch. As long as their attacker is their to blame, they don't blame themselves.

I am only speaking for myself when I say this. I had to forgive, because the anger only grew and grew and I personally was falling off the deep end.

Maybe, I just found peace in my heart, I don't know how to really explain it.

I think everyone is different and no one can get through things the exact same way.

You found your way, I found mine. Let's just hope that everyone else finds a way. No matter what that way may be.

God Bless You!
I'm on the fence..

I agree with another statement, the honey and the ant thing. Lol.

But you have to admit that there have been many innocent people put in jail and sentenced. I think the court system jumps on things too much and that not all people are properly represented. People DO get framed and are often in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sure many people would think differently if they were the ones that got into trouble with the law for something they didn't do and were screwed over. Those things happen.

Although I'm generally not for killing people, most of the time.. These kind of people need to go!
I know someone that a 14 yr old girl accused of rape and threatend murder...
And i also know that this person was innocent...what happend was this girl was pregnant from a boyfriend and didnt want her parents to know that she was having sex...so...she concocted a story about rape and chose this guy to blame...
it still affects his life to this day...
So..no, not every one accused is quilty..i can say that with 100% certainty...
Actually, you don't. I will never forgive my attackers, what they did was unforgivable. But that doesn't mean they keep me from being at peace with myself or that I have to waste any portion of my day hating or being angry at them or allow them any control over my thoughts and feelings as I go on with my life.

IMHO, it's wrong to ask victims to forgive those who have done violence against them. It puts the onus back on the victim, making them feel ashamed and wrong if they are unable to forgive. It's an unnecessary burden to ask them to bear, especially given that hating and being angry at their attacker can get them through a rough patch. As long as their attacker is their to blame, they don't blame themselves.

By my definition you have forgiven your attacker. I see forgiveness as letting go of some hate that eats at your own well being. Wanting justice or thinking the other person is a cold bloodied monster that needs to rot in prison does not mean that you haven't forgiven the person. I think that too many people define forgiveness as being able to have good feelings toward the other person. I don't think that is what it is supposed to be.

I also agree that pushing someone to forgive before they are ready can be detrimental to the victim.
If you really think about it...If someone abducted this child,why would they have dumped her body in the town land field and not taken the body to a more secluded area.This story doesn't add up.

The perpetrator might not have dumped the body in the landfill, especially if the landfill is staffed.

I would guess that it is more likely that the body was put in a dumpster, and the dumpster ended up getting emptied at the landfill. It's common for police to check landfills for evidence that arrives there via garbage truck.

I would think it would point to an opportunistic predator (frst time offender, or someone unfamiliar with the area), or an accidental killing (which could point back to other kids doing this). The stalker sorts tend to think through hiding the body.​
If you dont forgive or somehow come to peace with it..your attacker wins. He gets what he wanted..a victim...
Actually..in the sex offender group that i deal with..the offenders arent allowed to even use the word victim, when talking about the person that they offended...because we believe that it is still giving them power over the person that they hurt...
Thanks Redhen, I just couldn't put it into words right.

Deb1, I never said that anyone should be pushed into forgiveness. I never push anyone.

I wasn't directing my comment at you. I was talking in generalities. Sorry. I should have made myself more clear.
Thanks Redhen, I just couldn't put it into words right.

Deb1, I never said that anyone should be pushed into forgiveness. I never push anyone.

I wasn't directing my comment at you. I was talking in generalities. Sorry. I should have made myself more clear.

Oh that's okay, I just didn't want you think that I felt that way.
The cops are now focused on an abandoned house thats right by the school and on the block where Somer was last seen. It had burned in a fire a few months ago. Supposedly, a crew was at the house and was renovating it. The guy that owns the renovation company had his brother (sex offender) working at that house. He's been in questioning all day and they keep showing his pic on TV......................

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