Missing for 24 hours - we found her!

Silly hen! So glad you found her.....so sorry you had such a run of bad luck with your others.
Popcorn will change all that now! Cute pic of your daughter with the hen.
I'm so glad you found her in time!
I had a chicken get stuck behind a box upside down...what in the world are they thinking?? I found her after a few hours, so she was just a little disoriented for a little bit. I always worry about the horses stepping on them when they get in there with them, but I think they both watch out.

You know, after a traumatic event like this, and all the extra attention, she might end up being a special lap chicken!

She's a beauty! Congrats!

Thanks Luna!

My daughter loves playing with her dolls, and well a real life baby like Popcorn and she was thrilled!

Popcorn is looking fine this morning, I have to finish some work up and seal my tiles (for my wood stove) Its very cold, rainy and windy outside, I was going to take her out this morning if she was fine, but the temp change would be a bit of a shocker and I'm betting all the other chickens/ducks/guinea's are pushing and shoving in the coop, I don't want to put her out in that.

We're due for snow tonight as well, so Im not sure what I'm going to do at this point.
I have known horses to stamp on chickens at feeding time! But it sounds like yours have that problem sorted out.

Well done!!!! I hope she is OK!!!!!
Believe it or not my horse used to be terrified of chickens
I used to ride up a trail in San Diego - and at the top we had to go past a house with a little chicken coop and a couple of bantams, every dang single time, she'd STIFF Leg break and wouldn't go any further!

When I got my chickens a few years ago I was so worried about her, and at first didn't let the chickens get into her barn or anything. But now - she couldn't care less and it cracks me up everytime I see her eating hay with a bunch of chickens trying to get in there to look for bugs.
Popcorn is back in the coop. I took her out at lunch time and checked on her through the afternoon. At chore time OUT she came with her buddies to gobble up scratch!

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