missing wing.


Apr 9, 2022
got up this morning, and i guess my little bard rock had his damned wing chewed off by a pet rat that pulled down the seperator between them and the chicken brooder. I dont understand how i didnt hear that im 5 feet away.

I have moved them out of the brooder into the coop since they are almost feathered and weathers fine anyway. What should i do just neosporin her stump? its not showing any pain at all. I dont want it to get infected and die.
Can you post some pictures?
I would flush the wound well with sterile saline or chlorhexidine (hibiclens), and apply the neosporin several times a day to keep it covered and moist. I might consider a round of antibiotics since it's an animal bite. You can get amoxicillin as fish mox without a prescription online. Pictures might change the recommendation and would be helpful.
heres the pretty ladys wing...... or protruding bone rather..


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ugg i dont even know how she or the rats did this. How on earth does that happen wihtout any noise being made, and the be honest all that exposed bone, how would that even happen youd think if ur being chewed on by something ud pull ur wing out and not let them just eat all the flesh they want. I wonder if it knocked down the barrier trying to escape got its wing caught and the rat just tried to "help him" and have dinner to.
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Now that ive taken those pictures and seen it better, im going to have to either take that little girl to the vet or end her wont i? what do you all call that culling?
If vet care is an option for you, then I would do that. I don't know that it would heal up with the bone sticking out like that, and it means a much higher risk of infection. If the bone was removed back to the joint, then it would probably be a survivable thing.
If vet care is an option for you, then I would do that. I don't know that it would heal up with the bone sticking out like that, and it means a much higher risk of infection. If the bone was removed back to the joint, then it would probably be a survivable thing.
u think i can sedate it and try to get those bones down lower? how does one sedate a chicken? Im pretty sure i can remove bone if i aint got the animal flopping around, slaughtered and cooked quiet a number of rabbits years ago.
Sedation is pretty risky with birds. I wouldn't do that unless I had an expert to monitor the bird. People amputate toes themselves all the time, this would be a bit more complicated. The shock and pain of this type of injury might be too much for the bird. It's hard to say. You could try. I do a lot with my birds, I'd maybe try as a last resort. It would be best for a vet for this though, if that's possible for you. You will need antibiotics, I would not do something like that without treating with antibiotics, risk of infection would be pretty high.
Alright I think I want to cut off the exposed bone and try to cauterize the wound. If anyone knows the easiest way to knock the chicken out or chill it out? Like maybe a cold towel with a frozen wash cloth in it? Anyone think that'd calm it down or make it sleep? I don't wanna call it it's so happy still.

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