MissPrissy's Daily Blue Plate Special - Guest Chef!

This is a busy afternoon but hopefully heading into a very quiet evening. I just finished my steak sandwich. It was soooo good. I love A1 steak sauce on it.
i kept looking for the recipe,, went to the index thingy,, 6 times,, went all over,,, lol,, then i re-read the post

darn hippies :|
Sara, get yourself a little shaker bottle of unseasoned meat tenderizer. Sprinkle it over the meat a few hours before cooking it. Your meat will be fork tender. You won't need a knife to cut it.

If your market will do special request - pick out the nicest round steak in the meat case and have the butcher run it through the cuber two times. Then when you get ready to cook cut into the pieces yourself.
Miss Prissy,
you truly are amazing, what a capable wife you are and a wonderful mom... thank you for sharing and for your fine example.
i look forward to trying many of your recipes.

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