MissPrissy's Daily Blue Plate Special - Guest Chef!

I would give up many things for a spotless house. LOL

Maybe Santa will one day bring me a housekeeper so I can get on with other business. LOL

If you were my neighbor we would have so much fun!!!
I would too!! I am not a spotless housekeeper, when you get older your eyesight isn't quite the same. I was shocked to find cobwebs all through the little chandelier over my dining table, but I am a quick thinker and threw Christmas glitter all through them and now it looks like I planned it that way
For once I'm speechless.

I'm just trying to figure out what I'm gonna cook for dinner
tomorrow night that is worthy to post here.

I can fix anything but I can't make a bed. I can do laundry
but have never cleaned a bathroom.

I can build a house but can't keep it clean.

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