Mites everywhere

Tink can’t chirp at all she tries and walk around I’m really worried I was looking at her back feathers and they had brown gunk in them and the feathers came out easily
But she is eating an drinking
She is mite free but she is so ill

Also I was so wrapped up in tinks health that when I went to see the mite situation on the rest of our chickens they were so bad I just about screamed
Our dear six year old Cornish mix Cleo
Had them so bad on her vent
And our strange brain damaged deformed beak Easter egger waggy has so many mites on her vent I could barely see her pink skin
They go for the weak ones don’t they
And our columbian Plymouth Rock bantam Peggy had them all in her bottom feathers
Then I sprayed them with our mite spray
I hope that holds them off why we clean everything so that they don’t become anemic and die

Also tink should be going to our sweet vet tomorrow

All tink wants to do is drink water peck at food and hide under Millie
Then mope around and try to chirp

I couldn’t really get a good picture of the brown stuff in the feather sheaths but it is not good it is make the young feathers fall out
Do you know what it is

I’m feeding them chick starter with warm water
And water with probiotic powder
And scrambled egg

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Since you discovered the others have an infestation, it would probably be more economical if you get the Permethrin concentrate and treat them all plus your housing.
You can find it at Tractor Supply.

I'm sorry that Tink is not doing any better. Hopefully the vet can point you in the right direction. Please keep us posted.

I did some further inspection of tinky and it is so awful I wish the vet could take her today
Her feathers are coming out easily and the stuff is not brown I realized it’s black and it’s inside the feathers
It’s making the feathers fall out and it is in her wing feathers which are now loose!
Also when I touch the feathers she seems in pain
It’s like the feathers have a disease!!!!
She is very very bony she looks unhealthy and she does have a few mites still scurrying around on her
And she can’t chirp it’s not that she doesn’t want to or doesn’t feel good enough to she actually has tried to chirp and just a whisper comes out

But she is eating and drinking
And sun bathing on my lap
So I’m just happy she is here
And I can’t wait to bring her to the vet

This is a very heart breaking story. I'm afraid Tinky isn't going to make it, she's so far behind. She's had so many obstacles during her growing stage that she's very, very far behind and running out of strength. You also have to get on top of the mite problem. Some mites are so stubborn, it can take months to get rid of them all.

I think you're feeling pretty overwhelmed by all that's happening in your flock. You have two emergencies right now - Tink and the mites in your flock and coop. The mites should be addressed first as they will continue to sicken and kill your chickens unless you get them under control This will require some effort.

If you can find the money in your budget for this product, it can get the mites under control easily and very quickly. Prepare yourself for a very hefty price tag, but the stuff is very econmical and lasts forever.

You can mix it into a large tub and dip your chickens in it. You'll need to pick a nice warm day to do it or keep the chickens indoors until they dry. Tink should be blow-dried.

Then you need to clean and spray down the coop and run. The good thing about Elector is it kills bugs and eggs and usually one treatment is all that's needed. But unless you treat the premises, too, the mites will continue to be a problem.

Tink needs special care if she's going to live. She may need an antibiotic for infection in her intestines caused by the coccidiosis. Your vet should be able to prescribe something. She will need special feeding and vitamins. I recommend Poultry Nutri-drench and food such as tofu and boiled egg for fast high quality protein along with chick starter. Offer all your chickens grit, especially any that are inside and not able to scratch in the dirt for natural grit.

You have lots of work ahead of you. This is doable if you concentrate on what you need to do and not get sidetracked.
Tink went to the vet yesterday!!
She has a fungal infection somewhere Near her throat and got antibiotics for that and that’s why she can’t chirp

We did a fecal and she still has some coccidia in her feces

Also for her feathers she gets L glutamine sprinkled on her feed
She should get better:jumpy:wee
Tink went to the vet yesterday!!
She has a fungal infection somewhere Near her throat and got antibiotics for that and that’s why she can’t chirp

We did a fecal and she still has some coccidia in her feces

Also for her feathers she gets L glutamine sprinkled on her feed
She should get better:jumpy:wee
I assume it’s canker?

I believe many here have treated that with over the counter fish zole. I know our tractor supply carries it in the chicken section.
Tink went to the vet yesterday!!
She has a fungal infection somewhere Near her throat and got antibiotics for that and that’s why she can’t chirp

We did a fecal and she still has some coccidia in her feces

Also for her feathers she gets L glutamine sprinkled on her feed
She should get better:jumpy:wee
Glad you were able to see the vet and get her on the right track. I hope she starts feeling better soon.
Tink is absolutely adorable. How is she?

But you're saying she got antibiotics for a fungal infection, that can't be right. Can you please specify what exactly she's suffering from? Is it really fungal? Maybe fungal with a secondary bacterial infection? Or the vet is lazy (I hope not).
I was in front of the chicks watching them when I remembered I forgot to tell you all something from a week ago
I regret to inform you tink had died
I went to go check on her and Millie when I noticed she looked so awful
I wanted her to just end her pain and suffering
I brought her outside with Millie and she started to fall over and wheeze
It was awful
Then she was dead I buried her near her sister
Everyone was so helpful
Also if your wondering Millie is doing great
The 2 new chicks are crazy and the mites are disappearing
From the backyard birds
And the show birds did amazing at the show

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