Mixed breed opinions?



May 21, 2019
Washington State, aka The pacific NorthWest
Alright, so I have an idea what this little darling is mixed with, I have a bantam Cochin rooster and Calico Princess hens, so this is the most reasonable mix I could come up with! She’s has mild feathered legs, so that is where the Cochin would come in!
But any other opinions are welcome!
Her juvenile feathers are consistent with a Wheaten based bird.

What color is the Cochin?

I know Calico Princesses are Wheaten based, but not sure what breeds were used to create it to give a better idea on what other genes maybe included.

Here's a Red Wheaten Malay I got recently.
Apologies for the bad lighting.
What other roosters do you have?
Bootsie, possibly, he is a buff Brahma and Red Bantam Cochin cross! He is a buff Columbian, like his father, the BB.

The Banty Cochin rooster is red.

It has a very single comb, and the only other rooster with the flock, and the calico's, is an easter egger mix, which is red and white but does NOT have a single comb.

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