Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

OEGB fawn hen X partridge cochin

sorry wouldnt let me post that last part, and also i might add more combanations i want to see lOL expect to want me too see hundreds lOL

can you post mixed waterfowl? I have (well getting some) mixed ducks, illl have to see but i think they're Cayugas and mUscovies
can you post mixed waterfowl? I have (well getting some) mixed ducks, illl have to see but i think they're Cayugas and mUscovies

Cayugas and muscovies are two different species(all the domestic ducks except muscovies are offshoots of wild mallards), so you would get an infertile mule or hinny duck… great meat ducks, from what I have heard…
This is Mischief. His father was a Buff Orpington and his mother an Easter Egger.

Now that's a great looking rooster! I wouldn't mind having one like that.

I have a rooster that is a buff orp X white leghorn cross. Buff orp was the mother and white leghorn was the father. I'll have to get a picture of him.
I have Pekin X Mallard cross. They come out sexlinked. The hens look like mallard chicks at birth and the drakes are yellow with a black stripe. She even lays green eggs like a mallard but they are almost as big as a peking egg. She is a very prolific layer as well.

That is the crossed hen in the middle. You can't tell by the photo but they are HUGE my pekins are giant pekin not the little wimpy ones. I am crossing her back to the tufted mallard drake beside her.

OMG!!!! That is sooooo neat... I have never seen a duck cross... didnt know it could be done. Wow!!!!! Ok you know how a dog and a coyote can mix and make coydogs.... can you mix a turkey n a chicken or a peafowl (peacock) n another type (turkey or chicken) an get a hi-breed?? sounds kinda a like a frankenstein thing...
OMG!!!! That is sooooo neat... I have never seen a duck cross... didnt know it could be done. Wow!!!!! Ok you know how a dog and a coyote can mix and make coydogs.... can you mix a turkey n a chicken or a peafowl (peacock) n another type (turkey or chicken) an get a hi-breed?? sounds kinda a like a frankenstein thing...

guinea x chicken
Guinea x peafowl
Chicken x pheasant
Where was even a university study on quail x chicken, but there was only a 3% fertility and I think they died young.
Mallard type duck x muscovy duck

Alll hybrids are sterile though, and some only work with birds being certain sexes.

This is Poopsie, named by my first grader. A hatchery chick, mixed in with a bunch of NH reds. Poopsie lays very round, extra large eggs, dark brown in shell color. She is one of my 2 best layers. I realize this doesn't meet the requirements of the thread guidlines, because I don't know what she is. But, I think she is a very good looking bird, and I wish I knew what exactly, she is. I would guess 50% NH Red, and then....maybe a BR, or???
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This is Poopsie, named by my first grader. A hatchery chick, mixed in with a bunch of NH reds. Poopsie lays very round, extra large eggs, dark brown in shell color. She is one of my 2 best layers. I realize this doesn't meet the requirements of the thread guidlines, because I don't know what she is. But, I think she is a very good looking bird, and I wish I knew what exactly, she is. I would guess 50% NH Red, and then....maybe a BR, or???
She look just like my Rhode Island Red roo and Buff Orpington hen crosses. I'll see if I can find a decent pic.
I'll have some Silkie/Frizzle crosses to show in about a month or two - they're still small and only just starting to grow feathers, but it's quite clear what two breeds were crossed (toes and feathers are big giveaways!). I'm not sure which parent was which, though, as I bought them as week-olds. Can I still post them on here? I will have some other crosses eventually that I know which parent's which, though, but probably not for a while!
from Rachel.

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