Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

My barred rock(rooster) and silver laced Wyandotte(hen) mixed rooster looks very similar to your roosters (barred and buff) only much, much taller. He is a mammoth!
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**Buff Orpington Roo X Speckled Sussex hen. "Butters" (as the DH named her) is the mascot of our farm. She will chase your shoes until you pick her up. She is very sweet and a great forager. We are sad we only got 1 of her. I have never owned such a sweet chicken before
That's a beautiful brown frizzle rooster georgia boy!
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I only have pictures on my phone and I don't know how to transfer them to the computer. Yukon has moved to a new home now where he is in charge of 12 lovely ladies so I can't take any new ones. I will have to get a picture of his brother Levi and post that one instead.
Has anyone ever crossed an EE rooster with either a Buff Orpington hen or a Rhode Island Red hen? I have a beautiful EE rooster that actually matches the hens well & thought they would make very pretty chicks. Also, If you cross an EE rooster with one of those hens, will their eggs be like EE eggs? Just wondering...
Speckled Sussex Rooster x Lavender Orpington Hen crosses

I don't have any good picks of them as chicks, just the ones from the incubator. All were mainly black with some yellow:

As adults:

First the cockerel from the cross:

Pullet and cockerel:

Pullets: most are plain black

This one has some leakage around the neck, which I love (sorry about the EE in the foreground):

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