Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

Just wondering if anyone has a picture of a Old English Game Roo x Red sex link hen? I have a few due in the next week would love to know what they would look like.

usually if the chick hatches with a pea comb, it is likely to lay a green egg. If the EE parent is already half brown/half bue egg gened, then it is more likey to hve more brown egg laying chicks if breed with a brown egg layer. You can still call them EEs. If the pullet has a single comb, it only has I think a 3% chance of laying green/blue eggs. The pea comb gene and the blue egg gene are very close to one another on the chromazone(or so Ive been told).
I have some beautiful Jersey Giant/EEs, a black rooster and 2 blue hens. The hens lay olive colored eggs.
That's interesting! I have 3 chicks that just hatched that have an EE dad and BO or RIR mom. They are about 3 weeks old now, so I'll have to start watching their combs, and then see what color eggs they lay.
I had a BO go broody, so I let her hatch some crossed eggs. The daddy is an Americauna and the mommies are either BO or RIR. She was on 6 eggs and only 3 hatched. It's funny, because of those three, one came out buff, one red, and one more like the rooster! Below is a pic of the roo, the chicks when they were born, and at 3 weeks old. They were born on Dec 30th. These are just some quick shots I took with my phone so I could get them posted on here. It will be interesting to see how they turn out, and what color eggs they end up laying. I'm so excited!

That's an excellent question and I would be curious to know the answer as well. Our Pullet is a cross between a barred rock rooster and an Amaracauna hen. She looks just like her daddy in color, but the comb and legs are mama. Is there a dominant egg color as well?
I crossed mine and hatched out 3 chicks on Dec 30th. I just posted the pics on this thread. I'll let you know about eggs when they start laying!

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