Mixed feed needs


11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
Southwest Ohio
Ok, so I decided to let nature take it's course and let my broody Marans set a clutch of eggs. Well she hatched out 3 great little fluff balls. I have them in a separate coop away from the other chickens. But I'm not sure what I should be feeding them. I have chick starter for the wee ones and the layer mash for mom but I assume that mom shouldn't have the starter and the chicks shouldn't have the layer mash. Is there a happy medium I should be going for or is there some way to make sure each gets the proper food?
Momma hen won't start laying right away and will do fine on chick feed. You can put out a bowl of oyster shell for her if she needs it.

Chicks should NOT be fed layer feed.

Also congrats on the chicks, that's awesome!
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