Mixed TSC Bantams....name those types?! PIC HEAVY!

I feel Dixie and Sara my possible both be Roos bc of their personality already. Hoping I am wrong, but that guess was my argument behind ordering the next six, lol!!!!
My possible roos are play fighting already :p

You are likely to get at least one more boy out of six. Use that in your argument to get 10 more ;)

I want to keep at least one male of my frizzled, one male of my mottled, and possibly one EE male :S I am getting 5 barred rock chicks + 10 naked neck turkens in April :th

Oh and I have a broody ready to hatch another five next Saturday! One silkie, one pure BR, 2 BR x cochin and one BO x BR.

Nuts? I think so :gig
Lol omg!!! Did I mention I live in a cluster neighborhood? I wish I could have that many!! I am so stoked for all my babies! Just wish I knew what I had lol!!!
Not sure, lol, thinking I won't fret too much about it, we are still in the country area even if in the city part of it. ;)
Not sure, lol, thinking I won't fret too much about it, we are still in the country area even if in the city part of it. ;)

Like a village? I live in a village that said they encouraged agricultural growth, but I was asked to leave. Even though our population is under 1000 people. :/ Always check beforehand, because it will break your heart. I am moving my entire flock. I'd rather sell my house and move than get rid of them. We actually have a nice spot to go to until October, so no harm done really. I just think it's crazy how a small village not even close to a city would prohibit chickens.
First two are Cochin bantams, maybe White or Mottled
2. black Cochin
3.BB Red Old English Game Bantam (I would guess pullet based on the dark stripes)
4. Dixie - Cochin, but not sure of variety
5. Light Brahma

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