Mixing bantam chicks and LF chicks


6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
San Antonio Texas
Hello fellow chickeners, I have an upcoming hatch planned in June that consists of 4 serama, 4 frizzle serama, 4 bantam cochin, 10 large fowl silver laced Wyandotte, and 2+ large fowl lavender orprington eggs. Will I be able to do this? I only have one good brooder and need to keep them together unless its necessary they are not.
We did this two years ago...got a hatchery shipment of 4 silkies and 3 regular large fowl. Absolutely no problems...still sharing a coop. Only issue was when 1 large fowl ended up a rooster and mounted the silkies. he was rehomed.

We have a new batch of feed store bantams right now (1 week old) and just added 2 full size easter eggers today. Snuggled and slept together within minutes.
Mixed flocks are fine. I have 4 two year old Ameraucana hens, 1 ee chick that is about 6 weeks old, 5 bantams that I got at TSC who are 7 weeks old in the main part of the run. In a separate part of the run I have 6 week old Leghorns, 4 one week old Silkies, 3 one week old Sultans and 3 one month old Augsburgers. So far, in the larger run there have been no problems and in the smaller one I have one Sultan and one Silkie who hang out with the Augsburgers all of the time despite the fact that they are much larger than them (both in age and size). You just have to watch your own flock and see how they behave with one another.
Ok thank you everyone I have large fowl too but they are in a different pen and are much more aggressive the LF I will raise until they are pulleys and cockerels before I give them to my mother as a present.

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