Mixing Bantams with Standard


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 11, 2009
vermont, il
Does anyone have any comments on mixing Bantams with Standard breeds? i was just offered a Japanese Bantam rooster for free but i have 36 Standards. I am afraid it will get beat up. its a pretty small rooster so should i worry about breeding?
i have a partridge cochin and 3 standard roosters in with my turken hens and the little banty kicks theyre BUTT
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I have a Lavender Cochin Bantam ("Lil Roo") that was given to us. This is "his" ranch! I don't have the proper number of roos to hens 2 free range roos with 160+ free range hens/pullets, those 2 roos are too busy to fight, my other roo is a BO (pic of the week not long ago). My other roos are in breeding pens.
the banty roos are usually meaner then there standard counterparts i have 5roosters 3standards and 2bantys and my ee roo is in lockdown till the snow melts cuz he was getting mean being cramped in the coop with the other roos i had the door open just chickens where terrified of the snow and it formed like a barrier lol my sebright hen actually uses flying as primary mode of transpertation with the snow actually pretty agile for a chicken in the air

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