Mixing breeds?


I'm an original
12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
Tioga, Louisiana
Hi, I was wondering about mixing two-three different breeds in the same coop/yard? If they're raised from bitties together would they do okay? Such as the Rhode Island Reds, Bantams, and Dominickers[sp?]?
Yes, lots of folks here have all sorts together in the same pen. The only time it seems to be a problem is if you have a bantam hen and a standard roo--when he tries to mate her, she will have a hard time of it. But, I know a few people who keep bantams mixed in with standards, and the pecking order seems to be a matter of attitude rather than size.
I have a mix and they are fine. I can say that my RIR and the sexlinks are the top birds though. They even boos the roo's for now.
Most of the time it's fine. I wouldn't mix really docile breeds with really aggressive breeds. If you do, keep an eye on them, even if they were raised together.

When I first got chickens, my two Dorking pullets died from injuries they received from what I purchased as Araucanas. Apparently they were mixed and half B%&!#@. I pulled the Dorkings immediately and treated with antibiotics, but it didn't matter. They still died.

These birds were raised together as chicks. They had over 5 square feet per chicken in the coop and free ranged over several acres during the day. The attack happened after they were full size, although I don't remember the exact age.

I know it doesn't happen often, but there's a reason that mixed flock aggression is mentioned in books on chickens as a possibility. I think it's fantastic that so many people here have had no problem at all. I wish that had been my experience, too.

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