MJ's little flock

There was a Caturday moment this morning but for the rest of the day it’s been far too hot. 🥵 The poor chooks have been panting for most of the day! I started building them a bunker and got as far as a big hole and a wall. Then I got a headache and had to stop. I’ve hosed the garden down a couple of times and they’ve had nearly quarter of a watermelon. They’re just not drinking! Even when the water has ice in it!
Maybe they ingested enough water from eating the watermelon?
I noticed you edited your post. I’m not too proud to admit I googled ‘caly domes’ until I realised you meant ‘clay’! :lau
Yup, sorry about that. I don't have a spell check enabled and I type stuff and it's only when I go back and read it I realise I've made a few smelling pisstakes.
I'd like to see a picture of that set up. Sounds clever.

The Coolgardy safe, chicken-style.







The water is only just on, so it’s leaking onto the hessian. It’s very windy today and this garden is considerably cooler.

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