MJ's little flock

If they are soaked and it is in the 30s F (below 4°C), I will bring them in and dry them off. But I only have 6 to blow dry. :confused:
There are 48 of them! :he At least! I’m hoping they will fluff up on their own... but really. Ok, I have avoided the deluge long enough myself... time to gird my loins and brave the weather. Lure everyone undercover with some Good snacks, and bring Roostie in for his evening dose, I mean “dinner”.
Maybe he would be open to reading about the science?
WHat I'll do is withhold eggs until her February checkup. Then I'll say, "listen, off the record, I've got a friend who is a microbiologist and he keeps chickens. He says the eggs will be fine. I know that's not what the food production regs say. I want you to know that i respect your advice and your commitment to professioalism. But I'm going to start eating her eggs again and I accept all the risk, it will not come back to bite you, you have my word."
There are 48 of them! :he At least! I’m hoping they will fluff up on their own... but really. Ok, I have avoided the deluge long enough myself... time to gird my loins and brave the weather. Lure everyone undercover with some Good snacks, and bring Roostie in for his evening dose, I mean “dinner”.
Good luck!
I think that's the original feather shaft. I suspect it's like kids losing teeth. Sometimes the feathers come out clean, which means the new shaft likely pushes out the old and other times it comes out with the shaft.

There's no science in what I'm saying just what I've observed and think goes on.
That’s a great observation Bob. Seems perfectly logical to me.

How much of everything is like that though? Observations and Theory is the beginning of science! You just haven’t gone through all the other steps yet to prove or disprove the theory. We are all just grateful and happy to take experienced advice, even if it’s not “scientifically proven”

Thanks for the info Bob! and Goodmorning :frow

I have to Object! Every EE I’ve met has been pretty Dominant, Hawk is downright crazy, and his daughters aren’t pushovers either!
I don't have EEs but this has been my understanding too. A lot seem to be downright mean. It makes me wonder what they've actually been crossed with to be like that...???
I remember it well but it's a moral question rather than scientific. In time I'm sure I'll cave and start eating them but before that I need to adjust to the possibility of either fibbing or telling Mark I deliberately ignored his advice. He'll probably never ask, but that doesn't excuse me from thinking it through. I'm grateful for this exchange because it's given me an opportunity to reassure you that your expertise is remembered and valued as well as articulate the source of my slowness.
Let me say again, it is your choice. I have no dog in this fight. I am just sad to find the hole in Dr. Mark's greatness.


I do have a soapbox though. Sadly it seems to be a pervasive point of view. Remember though, its not really his fault. He is not a microbiologist. Just like a surgeon is not an infectious disease physician.

We have swung hard on the antibiotic pendulum and NEVER EAT AGAIN or DO NOT USE in FOOD ANIMALS is the extreme we current sit at. This is why @Kris5902 can't even get any in Canada anymore. At least Dr. Mark will use them. There are vets who will not use antibiotics in food animals.

It winds up being the animals who suffer in the end.

Chicken Tax
Oh dear. I have some thinking to do. Maggie has been a solo since I lost her twin Scary to the fox (RIP scary). So I was thinking a Wyandotte to pair up with Maggie and a Legbar to team up with the other two road runners. But that feels like I am trying to manage their friendships too closely!
Tell me why Lilly dropped Hattie for Sansa. :confused: You cannot control their friendships.

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