MJ's little flock

I ended up checking with the police and they said to call them if it happens again and they'll come and talk to the drone's owner - I told them a slow response would tacitly condone stalking and asked them how they'd know who was flying it, especially if it flew away the minute a police car parked outside.

Then I checked the rules and the civil aviation authority requires a 60m exclusion zone around anyone who's not involved in flying the drone.

So I think I will reach for the hose next time. It might be enough to convince the person using it to keep away from my house. Water and elrctronics don't mix well and I doubt a drone flown by someone careless would be entirely waterproof. I could also put a sign up, "drones will be hit with high pressure hose" which might also help.
It's one of the tiny feathers from Ivy's crest :)

I took these on Saturday which is market day in this small town.
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The only stall that was busy was this one which sells seeds and started plants.
It must be Spring.
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Chicken Tax.
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There's really no match for the little country towns in Europe. So pretty.

I looked up my old town yesterday. When I was a kid, it was on the edge of the suburbs with market gardens within walking distance and an old mill at the end of the main street.

The mill has been removed and now that land has a very ugly pub. It would've been better if they'd converted the mill into a pub. The market gardens are housing.
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