MJ's little flock

I've seen pictures you've taken that I much prefer.:oops:
Not nearly as much fun though. I really needed the distraction on Saturday.

This morning everyone walked all the way down the ramp, except for Edie who was up and out very early. She only used the ramp halfway, then she flew the rest.

Katie didn't get worked up this morning, she remained calm and had her breakfast before coming down the ramp.

Mary was first down of the older hens, then Peggy, then Ivy.

Peggy and Ivy spent a lot of time preening before coming down. Maybe their feathers were ruffled from being carried last night?
Does anyone use their garden blower vac to clean the chicken house? Would it dislodge mites, I wonder?
Like Bob I don’t own one. I think in the Chicken Palace it would be a bad idea because of dust. I would probably have to wear a hazmat suit if I was going to stir all that up!
I am getting close to the stage where I cannot face eating another peach. Not quite there - peach as a salad item with oil and vinegar was quite good at lunch - tomorrow I will try with some crumbled Feta cheese.
I have given a big bag to an elderly couple who are neighbors. I have a friend coming to help pick and she will take a load for her family.
Three other folk have been promised bags of peaches in the next couple of days (hopefully the raccoons don't go full on before I fill those bags) and a fourth person was happy to accept a bag of peaches and offered dinner at the handover - with grilled peaches for dessert!
I got hit in the head twice today by falling peaches. I ate one and offered the other to Piglet, but even she looked at me like really, not peaches again, a bit of variety would be nice! But she chowed down anyway.
I can only remember one other year like this - maybe a dozen years ago - there must be something about all the rainfall that has caused them to produce so much.
Even my apple tree that is long past retirement has some apples on it and the beech tree has beech nuts. Again a first in the 20 years I have been here.
I hope it isn't a sign of imminent death of all these wonderful trees. That would make me very sad.

Chickens hiding in the undergrowth - quite possibly to escape the peaches falling from the sky.


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