MM Sick Chicks Official Diagnosis In...

To get this stuff off of your farm you have to euthanize all chicks/chickens exposed and sterilize everything/surface they came in contact. If you fail to do this AE will haunt you for years. It will be in your soil and any bird you bring there will pick it up.
Well I'm glad for all of you that the mystery has been solved. I commend those who have taken the extra step to have your chicks tested. We may be facing more limitations in our ability to order chicks online. It seems they must have had some troubles with the may not have been the breeders fault at all. Over seas vaccinations again? Hmmm...
That comment is just spreading fear. Our vet said nothing of the sort, and in fact, said birds that are exposed to this and are "normal" and healthy are potentially good breeders because of the natural immunity. I asked if I should vaccinate my non-MM chicks and he said he did not see a reason to vaccinate everything. This virus is primarily passed hen to egg and through the hatcher.
Does anyone know what MM's response to all this is now that test results have been coming in? I thought at first they were saying there was no problem.
Yes I do. I just talked to the owner. No official response yet, as they have yet to discuss within the company. They are aware of the problem. They probably were denying a problem at first because they didn't know what the problem was. They have a lot of biosecurity checks in place to protect their company and reputation. There are a lot of things that can go wrong when vaccinating the birds for AE and you can end up with one pen affected, and the pen next to them not affected so it is very hard to diagnose AE without having chicks that are a few weeks old and symptomatic. The beauty of the virus is that there is only a small window where you get symptomatic chicks, and those of us that have bad chicks might not necessarily get bad chicks now.
JJ--I bet they had to say that until thier testing is done.

Group Dx's Cannot be done here- That Dx is for the birds that were tested - I got MM chicks at the same time and have had no sign of Mereck's - The birds that were DOA are not on her breed list which were all the Buff Polish - I hope people are not going to just start putting their chicks down
and again I got a reship from MM and haven't lost a chick.
GwenFarms wrote:

To get this stuff off of your farm you have to euthanize all chicks/chickens exposed and sterilize everything/surface they came in contact. If you fail to do this AE will haunt you for years. It will be in your soil and any bird you bring there will pick it up.

PLEASE please
if you are going to write information like this please site a source of where you got the information.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO virus lasts for ever!

Deep breath everyone!

I can also find NO INFORMATION to site that chicks that "never got sick" will have ANY problems in adult life.

CS - still waiting on tissue results of the necropsy from our birds​

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