MM Sick Chicks Official Diagnosis In...

Ditto to this and thank goodness for this forum where we all could compare notes to realize there was a problem and it wasnt just "ordered too early" or "chilled chicks" as some tried to tell us.
I thought it only affected baby birds?

That's my impression too, I think there is/was something else wrong with your hen. Please go read the information about AE again.
My understanding is that the maternal immunity passed from the hen to the egg ends at about 5 weeks of age. Watch these chicks carefully, and do everything you can to get rid of the virus sources between now and then, clean up, burn bedding, everything you can do to be bio-secure. They will be suseptable to the virus after than age, so no, not out of the woods. After 10 weeks you can vaccinate them for the disease to be sure they are protected for a couple years and that will help you clear your property.
They probably have maternal immunity passed on by a vaccinated hen. This immunity will end when the chicks are about 5 weeks old. You have done the most to protect them by culling the sick, and now you need to clean up the brooders, scrub everything good with a virus killing product, burn the bedding. After 5 weeks of age these chicks will become open to getting AE, and you can't vaccinate them till they're 10 weeks. Even though they likely got exposed and might have immunity vaccination has proven to be the best way to clear a property of AE. You need to be sure everyone is immune for a few years.
Sorry if I missed it but, is there a certain brand/type of disinfectant that is recommended in this type of situation? My chicks are all in a large carboard box brooder right now but I plan on moving them into the coop around 4-5 weeks old under a heat lamp.
You can't clean cardboard so you should just get a new box, new bedding, put them in it and burn the old, bedding and all. Many cleaners are good for viruses now, read the labels. Virocon is a common one sold at feed stores, but others are common at your grocery store too. Use that on your feeders and waterers daily and get a new brooder box often.

I would not suggest you put these chicks out with other chickens until about 10 weeks. Not sure if you already have some in that coop. Also keeping them in a brooder situation will make it much easier to isolate the poop. find out if you can get the vaccine locally and if your other birds can be done now so that they have immunity before these chicks go outside. You would need to not be collecting eggs for hatching for quite a while after that, I forget the time delay.

Good luck.
There are a Few that I know of off hand. There is:

Oxine - which can be purchased from First State Veterinary Supply

D256 - made by Vedco, I got mine from my veterinarian

Tektrol - you can find it online
Thank you Ruth! I know a lot of us appreciate you comments and your information!

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